现在有没有比 pdfcomment 更好的软件包来向你的 LaTeX pdf 中添加评论/注解?

现在有没有比 pdfcomment 更好的软件包来向你的 LaTeX pdf 中添加评论/注解?


我只是想在这里和那里添加注释,以提醒自己在编写接下来的几个部分时返回并完成某些部分。我非常喜欢这种Microsoft Word comments外观,也许有类似的东西?





\todo{Don't forget to put a real introduction here.}

该软件包可以为您创建所有注释的列表。如果disable使用全局选项,则不会打印任何注释。文档中还有更多内容可供发现。请参阅texdoc todonotes


在此处输入图片描述 来源


\definecolor{a0}{rgb}{0.61, 0.77, 0.89}
\definecolor{a1}{rgb}{1.0, 0.75, 0.0}
\definecolor{a2}{rgb}{1.0, 0.74, 0.53}



The coefficient of thermal expansion describes the change in relative dimensions of solids with temperature growing, and it is important characteristic of interatomic bonds features.
\todo[color=blue!40]{Todonote with a different color.}The coefficient of thermal expansion describes the change in relative dimensions of solids with temperature growing, and it is important characteristic of interatomic bonds features.

The coefficient of thermal expansion describes the change in relative dimensions of solids with temperature growing, and it is important characteristic of interatomic bonds features.
\todo[nolist]{Todonote that is only shown in the margin and not in
the list of todos.}%
The coefficient of thermal expansion describes the change in relative dimensions of\todo[size=\small, color=a1]{A note with a small fontsize.} solids with temperature growing, and it is important characteristic of interatomic bonds features.

\todo[inline]{testing testing}

The peculiarities of complex interatomic bonds in polar crystals are manifested precisely during their deformation under the scalar action, such as the uniform change in temperature\todo[noline]{A note with no line back to the text.}The peculiarities of complex interatomic bonds in polar crystals are manifested precisely during their deformation under the scalar action, such as the uniform change in temperature\todo[inline, color=red!50]{Inline todonotes.}The peculiarities of complex interatomic bonds in polar crystals are manifested precisely during their deformation under the scalar action, such as the uniform change in temperature\todo[inline, color=a2]{A note with no line back to the text.}%
The peculiarities of complex interatomic bonds in polar crystals are manifested precisely during their deformation under the scalar action, such as the uniform change in temperature. 

