


\frametitle{Nobel Prizes in Bioelectromagnetism}

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\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c | c |}
Year &  Name of recipient &  Nationality & Subject of research \\ \hline
1901 &  Jacobus van't Hoff *) & The Netherlands & laws of chemical dynamics     
and osmotic pressure  \\ \hline
1903 &  Svante Arrhenius *) & Sweden & theory of electrolytic
dissociation \\ \hline
1906 & Camillo Golgi, Santiago Ramón y Cajal & Italy Spain & work on the structure of nervous system \\ \hline
1920 & Walther Nernst *) & Germany   & work in thermochemistry \\ \hline
1924 & Willem Einthoven & The Netherlands & discovery of electrocardiogram mechanism \\ \hline
1932 & Edgar Douglas Adrian, Sir Charles Sherrington & Britain & discoveries regarding function of neurons \\ \hline
1936 & Sir Henry Hallet Dale, Otto Loewi & Britain, Germany & work on chemical transmission of nerve impulses \\ \hline
1944 & Joseph Erlanger, Herbert Spencer Gasser & U.S. & researches on differentiated and functions of nerve fibers \\ \hline
1949 & Walter Rudolf Hess & Switzerland & discovery of function of middle brain \\ \hline
1961 & Georg von Békésy & U.S. & discoveries of the physical mechanism of the inner ear \\ \hline
1963 & Sir John Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, Andrew Fielding Huxley & Australia, Britain & study of the transmission of nerve impulses along a nerve fibre \\ \hline
1967 & Ragnar Arthur Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline, George Wald & Finland, U.S., U.S. & discoveries about chemical and physiological visual processes in the eye \\ \hline
1968 &  Lars Onsager *) & U.S. &    work on theory of thermodynamics of irreversible processes \\ \hline
1970 &  Julius Axelrod, Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler & U.S., Britain, Sweden & discoveries concerning the chemistry of nerve transmission \\ \hline
1981 &  David Hunter Hubel, Torsten Nils Wiesel & U.S., Sweden & discoveries concerning information processing in the visual system \\ \hline
1991 &  Erwin Neher, Bert Sakmann & Germany, Germany & discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells \\ \hline
1997 & Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou *) & U.S., U.K., Denmark & the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of ATP; discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+ -ATPase \\ \hline
2003 &  Peter Agre, Roderick MacKinnon *) & U.S., U.S & discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes \\ 



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\frametitle{Nobel Prizes in Bioelectromagnetism}
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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} l P{1.4in}  l  Y @{}}
Year &  Name of recipient &  Nationality & Subject of research \\ \hline
1901 &  Jacobus van't Hoff *) & The Netherlands & laws of chemical dynamics
and osmotic pressure  \\ \hline
1903 &  Svante Arrhenius *) & Sweden & theory of electrolytic
dissociation \\ \hline
1906 & Camillo Golgi, Santiago Ramón y Cajal & Italy Spain & work on the structure of nervous system \\ \hline
1920 & Walther Nernst *) & Germany   & work in thermochemistry \\ \hline
1924 & Willem Einthoven & The Netherlands & discovery of electrocardiogram mechanism \\ \hline
1932 & Edgar Douglas Adrian, Sir Charles Sherrington & Britain & discoveries regarding function of neurons \\ \hline
1936 & Sir Henry Hallet Dale, Otto Loewi & Britain, Germany & work on chemical transmission of nerve impulses \\ \hline
1944 & Joseph Erlanger, Herbert Spencer Gasser & U.S. & researches on differentiated and functions of nerve fibers \\ \hline
1949 & Walter Rudolf Hess & Switzerland & discovery of function of middle brain \\ \hline
1961 & Georg von Békésy & U.S. & discoveries of the physical mechanism of the inner ear \\ \hline
1963 & Sir John Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, Andrew Fielding Huxley & Australia, Britain & study of the transmission of nerve impulses along a nerve fibre \\ \hline
1967 & Ragnar Arthur Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline, George Wald & Finland, U.S., U.S. & discoveries about chemical and physiological visual processes in the eye \\ \hline
1968 &  Lars Onsager *) & U.S. &    work on theory of thermodynamics of irreversible processes \\ \hline
1970 &  Julius Axelrod, Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler & U.S., Britain, Sweden & discoveries concerning the chemistry of nerve transmission \\ \hline
1981 &  David Hunter Hubel, Torsten Nils Wiesel & U.S., Sweden & discoveries concerning information processing in the visual system \\ \hline
1991 &  Erwin Neher, Bert Sakmann & Germany, Germany & discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells \\ \hline
1997 & Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou *) & U.S., U.K., Denmark & the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of ATP; discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+ -ATPase \\ \hline
2003 &  Peter Agre, Roderick MacKinnon *) & U.S., U.S & discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes \\

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\frametitle{Nobel Prizes in Bioelectromagnetism}

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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} l l  l  Y @{}}
Year &  Name of recipient &  Nationality & Subject of research \\
1901 &  J. van't Hoff$^{ *}$ & Netherlands 
& Chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure  \\[2pt]
1903 &  S. Arrhenius$^{ *}$ & Sweden 
& Electrolytic dissociation \\[2pt]
1906 & C. Golgi, S. Ramón y Cajal & Italy, Spain 
& Structure of nervous system \\[2pt]
1920 & W. Nernst$^{ *}$ & Germany   
& Thermochemistry \\[2pt]
1924 & W. Einthoven & Netherlands 
& Electrocardiogram mechanism \\[2pt]
1932 & E. D. Adrian, C. Sherrington & U.K. 
& Function of neurons \\[2pt]
1936 & H.H. Dale, O. Loewi & U.K., Germany 
& Chemical transmission of nerve impulses \\[2pt]
1944 & J. Erlanger, H.S. Gasser & U.S. 
&  Functions of nerve fibers \\[2pt]
1949 & W.R. Hess & Switzerland 
& Function of middle brain \\[2pt]
1961 & G. von Békésy & U.S. 
& Physical mechanism of the inner ear \\[2pt]
1963 & J. Eccles, A.L. Hodgkin, A.F. Huxley & Australia, U.K. 
& Transmission of impulses along nerve fibres \\[2pt]
1967 & R.A. Granit, H.K. Hartline, G. Wald & Finland, U.S., U.S. 
& Chemical and physiological visual processes \\[2pt]
1968 &  L. Onsager$^{ *}$ & U.S. 
& Thermodynamics of irreversible processes \\[2pt]
1970 &  J. Axelrod, B. Katz, U. von Euler & U.S., U.K., Sweden 
& Chemistry of nerve transmission \\[2pt]
1981 &  D.H. Hubel, T.N. Wiesel & U.S., Sweden 
& Information processing in the visual system \\[2pt]
1991 &  E. Neher, B. Sakmann & Germany, Germany 
& Function of single ion channels in cells \\[2pt]
1997 & P.D. Boyer, J.E. Walker, J.C. Skou$^{ *}$ & U.S., U.K., Denmark 
& Enzymatic mechanism underlying synthesis of ATP; Ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+ -ATPase \\[2pt]
2003 &  P. Agre, R. MacKinnon$^{ *}$ & U.S., U.S 
& Channels in cell membranes \\
