使用 TikZ 制作图片序列

使用 TikZ 制作图片序列


TikZ 图片序列





    % Chain style
    start chain, 
    node distance = 1cm,
    every on chain/.style = {join},
    every join/.style = {->, draw=black, line width = 1pt},
\foreach \i in {1,...,3} {
    \node [on chain, rectangle, draw=black, dashed] {
            % Tree style
            cvertex/.style = {solid, circle, draw=black, line width=1pt, inner sep = 4pt}, 
            cedge/.style = {solid, draw=black, line width=1pt},
            edge from parent/.style = {cedge},
            level distance = 1cm, 
            sibling distance = 1cm, 
            % Animation styles
            highlighted/.style = { fill = red },
            step base/.style = { o/.style={cvertex}, l/.style={cvertex}, r/.style={cvertex} },
            step 1/.style = {step base, o/.append style = {highlighted} },
            step 2/.style = {step base, l/.append style = {highlighted} },
            step 3/.style = {step base, r/.append style = {highlighted} },
            step \i
        \node [o] {}
            child { node [l] {} }
            child { node [r] {} }


不确定为什么链会弄乱内部图片中的节点,我觉得应该有一个简单的解决方案,但这里有一个使用picPGF 3.0 语法的想法。它本质上创造了一种在链上的错觉pic,因此可以做类似的事情:

\begin{scope}[start chain=going right, every join/.style={-stealth},
style 1/.style=, style 2/.style=, style 3/.style=]

\foreach \i in {1,...,3}
  \pic [style \i/.style={fill=red}] {graph={
    \node [style 1] {} child { node [style 2] {} }  child { node [style 3] {} };





\usetikzlibrary{chains, fit}
  % Interrupt the picture and put the graph in a box.
     % Set default tree options
     \tikzset{every node/.style={circle, draw, inner sep=0.0625cm}, 
       level distance=0.5cm, sibling distance=.5cm}%
  % Put box in a separate node otherwise some parameters
  % (e.g., dashing) will be inherited by the picture in the \picbox.
  \node [on chain, join, outer sep=0pt] (@) {\copy\picbox}; 
  % Fit the dashed box around the existing box.
  \node [draw, fit=(@), inner sep=0pt, dashed] {};

\begin{scope}[start chain=going right, every join/.style={-stealth}]

\pic {graph={
  \node [fill=red] {} child { node {} }  child { node {} };

\pic {graph={
  \node {} child { node [fill=red] {} }  child { node {} };

\pic [continue chain=going below] {graph={
  \node {} child { node {} }  child { node [fill=red] {} };

\pic [continue chain=going left] {graph={
  \node {} child { node {} }  child { node {}
    child { node [fill=green] {} } child { node {} } };

\pic [continue chain=going below] {graph={
  \node {} child { node {} }  child { node {}
    child { node {} } child { node [fill=blue] {} } };

\pic [continue chain=going right] {graph={
  \node [fill=red] {}
    [level 2/.style={sibling distance=.25cm}] 
    child { node [fill=yellow] {}
      child { node [fill=pink]  {} }
      child { node [fill=green] {} }
    child { node [fill=orange] {}
      child { node [fill=purple] {} } 
      child { node [fill=blue] {} } 




\documentclass[tikz, border=5]{standalone}

\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=going right, every join/.style={->}]

\foreach \i in {1,2,3}
  \node [on chain, join, draw, dashed]{
      \graph [tree layout, nodes={circle, draw}, empty nodes, s\i/.style={/tikz/fill=red}] 
        { 1[s1/.try] -- {2[s2/.try], [s3/.try]3} }; };


