

我正在为一个包含许多部分的问题提供解决方案。我希望各部分缩进\qquad。第一行的缩进量大约是其他行的两倍,但我使用了命令\noindent \qquad。我在第二行中也有与 c.) 和 d.) 答案相同的额外空格。(我希望这些第二行与 c.) 和 d.) 第一行的开头对齐。我使用命令\hphantom。)



\noindent \qquad a.) The domain of $f$ is $\mathbb{R}$. \\
\qquad b.) $y = 0$ is the equation of the asymptote to the graph of $f$. \\
\qquad c.) The intervals on which $f$ is increasing are $[-1, \, 0]$ and $[1, \, \infty)$, and the \\
\noindent \hphantom{\qquad c.) }intervals on which $f$ is decreasing are $(-\infty, \, -1]$ and $[0, 1]$. \\
\qquad d.) The intervals on which $f$ is concave up are $(-1.5, \, -0.5)$ and $(0.5, \, 1.5)$, and \\
\noindent \hphantom{\qquad d.) }the intervals on which  $f$ is concave down are $(-\infty, \, -1.5)$ and $(1.5, \, \infty)$. \\
\qquad e.) The coordinates of the critical points of $f$ are $(1, \, -1.75)$, $(0, \, 0)$, and $(1, -1.75)$. \\
\qquad f.) The coordinates of the inflection points of $f$ are $(-1.5, \, -1.25)$ and $(1.5, \, -1.25)$. \\
\qquad g.) $f > 0$ on $\emptyset$. \\
\qquad h.) $f^{\prime} > 0$ on $(-1, \, 0) \cup (1, \, \infty)$. \\
\qquad i.) $f^{\prime\prime} > 0$ on $(-1.5, \, -0.5) \cup (0.5, \, 1.5)$.







\item The domain of $f$ is $\mathbb{R}$. 
\item $y = 0$ is the equation of the asymptote to the graph of $f$. 
\item The intervals on which $f$ is increasing are $[-1, \, 0]$ and $[1, \, \infty)$, and the 
intervals on which $f$ is decreasing are $(-\infty, \, -1]$ and $[0, 1]$. 
\item The intervals on which $f$ is concave up are $(-1.5, \, -0.5)$ and $(0.5, \, 1.5)$, and 
 the intervals on which  $f$ is concave down are $(-\infty, \, -1.5)$ and $(1.5, \, \infty)$.
\item The coordinates of the critical points of $f$ are $(1, \, -1.75)$, $(0, \, 0)$, and $(1, -1.75)$. 
\item The coordinates of the inflection points of $f$ are $(-1.5, \, -1.25)$ and $(1.5, \, -1.25)$. 
\item $f > 0$ on $\emptyset$. 
\item $f' > 0$ on $(-1, \, 0) \cup (1, \, \infty)$. 
\item f'' > 0$ on $(-1.5, \, -0.5) \cup (0.5, \, 1.5)$.



\noindent \qquad a.) The domain of $f$ is $\mathbb{R}$. \\

\noindent开始段落,然后\qquad添加 2em 的空间,然后你得到a. 一个根据宽度定位的括号a

\qquad b.) $y = 0$ is the equation of the asymptote to the graph of $f$. \\

前面的内容\\不开始一个段落,只是鼓励换行,换行后的空格作为 tex 段落对齐的一部分被丢弃,所以\qquad什么也不做。这就是为什么第一行(仅)看起来缩进的原因。)然后根据 的宽度定位,b这与 的宽度不同a

\qquad c.) The intervals on which $f$ is increasing are $[-1, \, 0]$ and $[1, \, \infty)$, and the \\


\noindent \hphantom{\qquad c.) }intervals on which $f$ is decreasing are $(-\infty, \, -1]$ and $[0, 1]$. \\


\qquad d.) The intervals on which $f$ is concave up are $(-1.5, \, -0.5)$ and $(0.5, \, 1.5)$, and \\



正如 David 上面所说,使用列表并让 LaTeX 处理格式和编号会更好。这样做更容易阅读和书写,而且布局自动统一且易于更改。






\item The domain of $f$ is $\mathbb{R}$.
\item $y = 0$ is the equation of the asymptote to the graph of $f$.
\item The intervals on which $f$ is increasing are $[-1, \, 0]$ and $[1, \, \infty)$, and the
intervals on which $f$ is decreasing are $(-\infty, \, -1]$ and $[0, 1]$.
\item The intervals on which $f$ is concave up are $(-1.5, \, -0.5)$ and $(0.5, \, 1.5)$, and
the intervals on which  $f$ is concave down are $(-\infty, \, -1.5)$ and $(1.5, \, \infty)$.
\item The coordinates of the critical points of $f$ are $(1, \, -1.75)$, $(0, \, 0)$, and $(1, -1.75)$.
\item The coordinates of the inflection points of $f$ are $(-1.5, \, -1.25)$ and $(1.5, \, -1.25)$.
\item $f > 0$ on $\emptyset$.
\item $f' > 0$ on $(-1, \, 0) \cup (1, \, \infty)$.
\item $f'' > 0$ on $(-1.5, \, -0.5) \cup (0.5, \, 1.5)$.



  1. Normal line without \verb|\noindent|

  \noindent 2. Normal line with \verb|\noindent|

  \qquad 3. Normal line with \verb|\qquad|

  4. Normal line ending with \verb|\\|\\
  \qquad 5. Normal line with \verb|\qquad|

我期望看到除第 2 行之外的所有行都缩进(第 1 行和第 4 行缩进\parindent,第 3 行和第 5 行缩进\qquad)。但是,第 5 行没有缩进:


正如 David 所解释的那样,“换行符后的空格将被丢弃”。如果您确实需要在 a 后留一个空格,\\则可以使用\hspace*{2em}
