{\begingroup % Create the command for including the title page in the document
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{\noindent\Huge\bfseries Future Power Systems}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title
{\large \textit{How large a wind farm can be installed onto an existing grid, and which regulations are to be taken into account}}\\[4\baselineskip] % Tagline or further description
{\Large \textsc{NAME 1, NAME 2, NAME 3}} % Author name
\vspace{0.5\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
{\noindent \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{figures/logo.pdf}}\\[\baselineskip] % Publisher and logo
%\includegraphics[scale=0.4,clip=true,trim=0cm 9.5cm 15cm 9cm]{figures/ASE_logo.pdf}
可以将这三个名称放在不同的行上,方法是在每个名称后面加上 ,并在以 开头的组末尾\\
添加 。\par