更改 Beamer 幻灯片的背景颜色

更改 Beamer 幻灯片的背景颜色

我正在使用以下投影仪代码。我想将背景更改为浅奶油色(我们可以使用黄色作为示例)。我在网上和这里寻找解决方案,但找不到。(这并不是说没有解决方案。)我拼凑了以下 MWE。我希望这两张幻灯片都有黄色背景。并且所有后续幻灯片都有黄色背景。提前感谢您的帮助。我在这里包含了我使用的两张图片:




\definecolor{devryblue}{RGB}{5, 51, 92}    
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=yellow}    
%Global Background must be put in preamble    

% Local background must be enclosed by curly braces for grouping.    
   Statistics for the Novice and Applied Researcher: Correct, Meaningful, and Clear 
Statistical Interpretation   \par    
   Gregory E. Gilbert, EdD, MSPH, PStat$^{\textregistered}$ \\    
   Biostatistical Research Associate \\    
   DeVry Education Group \\    
   Downers Grove, IL   \par    
   Katie Haerling, PhD, RN \\    
   University of Washington -- Tacoma \\    
   Tacoma, WA \\    

\begin{frame}{Conflict of Interest}    
      Gregory E. Gilbert owns stock in DeVry Education Group (NYSE: DV).    
      Katie Adamson has no conflict of interest to declare.    
