是否可以使用发件人和收件人字段来获得相同的地址,同时使用字母类别继续更改文本内容。当有人必须发送每月提醒/信件时,这将很有用。为了解释,我包括 MWE
\signature{Joe Bloggs}
\address{21 Bridge Street \\ Smallville \\ Dunwich DU3 4WE}
\begin{letter}{Director \\ Doe \& Co \\ 35 Anthony Road
\\ Newport \\ Ipswich IP3 5RT}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam:}
I am writing to you on behalf of the Wikipedia project (http://www.wikipedia.org/),
an endeavour to build a fully-fledged multilingual encyclopaedia in an entirely
open manner, to ask for permission to use your copyrighted material.
% The \ldots command produces dots in a way that will not upset
% the typesetting of the document.
That said, allow me to reiterate that your material will be used to the noble end of
providing a free collection of knowledge for everyone; naturally enough, only if you
agree. If that is the case, could you kindly fill in the attached form and post it
back to me? We shall greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I look forward to your reply.
\closing{Can I leave this field empty?}
P.S. You can find the full text of GFDL license at
\encl{Copyright permission form}
% Next week suppose I have to write letter to the same person
\letteragain % I am aware that such command may not exist
I am thankful to you for allowing me such a use
如果您不介意花点时间,那么请将字母类别从 KOMA 脚本包中换成 scrrttr2。您可能会通过texdoc komascript
在命令行中键入来获取手册。您可以布局信头并将其保存在 *.lco 文件中,对于地址,您只需创建一个新命令即可。
如果您下载并安装 Lyx (www.lyx.org),您就可以轻松开始,因为它附带了 KOMA 脚本字母的模板。您可以导出整个 *.lyx 文件,将字母类别选项交换到 *.lco 文件中,将其余部分交换到字母模板中。
也就是说,整个过程将需要一些时间,因为 KOMA-script 是一个强大的野兽,你必须学会如何驾驭它。