在一页中设置 4X2 图形

在一页中设置 4X2 图形

我无法将所有图片 (4X2) 放在一页中,但它可以容纳 6 张图片 (3X2),并且页面上有足够的空间。有什么建议吗?

    \caption{\footnotesize Network 1, Hill-function-based method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_1} 
    \caption{\footnotesize Network 4, Hill-function-based method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_4} 
    \caption{\footnotesize Network 2, Not fixed half-lives} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_r_2} 
    \caption{\footnotesize Network 6, Not fixed half-lives} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_r_6} 
    \caption{\footnotesize Network 8, Hill-function-based method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_8} 
    \caption{\footnotesize Network 2, gene circuit method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_C_2} 
    \caption{\footnotesize Network 5, gene circuit method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_C_5} 
    \caption{\footnotesize Network 7, gene circuit method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_C_7} 
  \caption[Knockdown of proposed interactions in region R1]{\footnotesize Knockdown of proposed interactions in region R1}
  \label{fig:output of knock R1} 


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在序言中。这可以为您节省 9 个\footnotesize指令(8 个子图,1 个图)。通过这种方式,您还可以避免字符串“图 1:”与标题其余部分的字体大小出现(可能不想要的)差异。而且,如果您决定将图和子图标题的字体大小更改为“小”,您可以通过更改序言中的单个设置来进行更改,而不必经历大量\caption指令。



\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % leave off "demo" option in real document
\usepackage{subcaption} % for "subfigure" environment
   %% font size for figure and subfigure captions
\usepackage[showframe]{geometry} % leave off "showframe" option in real document

    \caption{Network 1, Hill-function-based method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_1} 
  \hspace{\fill}  %% maximize space between adjacent subfigures
    \caption{Network 4, Hill-function-based method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_4} 

  \vspace{4ex}  %% extra vertical space
    \caption{Network 2, Not fixed half-lives} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_r_2} 
    \caption{Network 6, Not fixed half-lives} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_r_6} 

    \caption{Network 8, Hill-function-based method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_N_8} 
    \caption{Network 2, gene circuit method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_C_2} 

    \caption{Network 5, gene circuit method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_C_5} 
    \caption{Network 7, gene circuit method} 
    \label{fig:output of knock R1_C_7} 

\caption{Knockdown of proposed interactions in region R1}
\label{fig:output of knock R1} 

