nocite 与 mathtools 方程式引用的等效性是什么?

nocite 与 mathtools 方程式引用的等效性是什么?

通常,我使用 mathtools 时,只有在引用公式时才会显示公式编号。如何引用公式而不在文档中实际显示编号,以便在公式旁边显示标签?

以下是 MWE:





Ax = b \label{eq1}

The equation above will be numbered since I am referencing it using \refeq{eq1}.
The equation below will not be numbered since I am never referencing it. I want something like nocite: referencing
the equation, so that a number appears next to the equation, but no mention of that in the text.

Ax = b \label{eq2}







  \MH_if_boolean:nT {show_only_refs} {


An equation:
Ax = b \label{eq1}
The equation above will be numbered since I am referencing it using \refeq{eq1}.

The equation below will not be numbered since I am never referencing it. I want something 
like nocite: referencing the equation, so that a number appears next to the equation, but 
no mention of that in the text.
Ax = b \label{eq2}




