我无法将注释放在表格下方 - 我想将几条注释放在表格下方,但脚注似乎被拉长了,导致表格比必要的更长。有办法解决这个问题吗?
\begin{table}[htbp]\centering \caption{Summary Statistics}
\begin{tabular}{l c c c}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Variable}} & \textbf{Mean} & \textbf{Std. Dev.} & \textbf{N}\\
a & a & a & a \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\textsuperscript{*}\footnotesize{blah blah}}
\usepackage{booktabs, caption, makecell}
\begin{table}[! htbp]\centering \caption{Summary Statistics}
\begin{tabular}{l c c c}
\thead{Variable} & \thead{Mean}
& \thead{Std. Dev.} & \thead{N}\\ \midrule
a & a & a\tnote{*} & a \\
\item[*] Blahblah
\textbf{Activity} & \textbf{Activity Sequence}\\
Getting on a Tram\tabularnote{Note that \textit{Getting On Sequence} will start from steady standing in the station.}& Standing, Walking, Turn Left or right, walk, climb up stairs, turn left or right, walk again till reach seat, turn left or right $90°$ or $180°$, seat down, sitting for long time. \\
Getting off a Tram\tabularnote{Note that \textit{Getting Off Sequence} will start from steady sitting state in the
Tram.}& Sitting, stand up, turn left or right $90°$ or $180°$, walk till reach the door, turn left or right to
reach stairs, climb down, walk out from the Tram. \\
\caption{Getting on/off passengers' activity states}
\usepackage{booktabs, caption, makecell}
\textbf{Activity} & \textbf{Activity Sequence}\\\hline
Getting on a Tram \tnote{1}& \multicolumn{1}{m{6cm}|}{Standing, Walking, Turn Left or right, walk, climb up stairs, turn left or right, walk again till reach seat, turn left or right 90$^{\circ}$ or 180$^{\circ}$, seat down, sitting for long time.} \\\hline
Getting off a Tram\tnote{2}& \multicolumn{1}{m{6cm}|}{Sitting, stand up, turn left or right 90$^{\circ}$ or 180$^{\circ}$, walk till reach the door, turn left or right to reach stairs, climb down, walk out from the Tram.} \\
\item[1] Note that \textit{Getting On Sequence} will start from steady standing in the station.
\item[2] Note that \textit{Getting Off Sequence} will start from steady sitting state in the Tram.
\caption{Getting on/off passengers' activity states}