

我有一个代码,可以进行投影仪演示。在第三幻灯片命名目标,我需要调整字体&尺寸的话语,所以我有一行中的单词数与给定图中的准确数一致.这意味着如果一行结束于印刷错误。应该到此结束。我附上乳胶代码 & 期望数字 在此处输入图片描述 我想复制的文本及其字体

% Copyright 2004 by Till Tantau <[email protected]>.
% In principle, this file can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2.
% However, this file is supposed to be a template to be modified
% for your own needs. For this reason, if you use this file as a
% template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another
% package/program, I grant the extra permission to freely copy and
% modify this file as you see fit and even to delete this copyright
% notice. 


% There are many different themes available for Beamer. A comprehensive
% list with examples is given here:
% http://deic.uab.es/~iblanes/beamer_gallery/index_by_theme.html
% You can uncomment the themes below if you would like to use a different
% one:
\newcommand{\cvec}[1]{{\mathbf #1}}
\newcommand{\rvec}[1]{\vec{\mathbf #1}}
\newcommand{\minor}{{\rm minor}}
\newcommand*{\rom}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}



% A subtitle is optional and this may be deleted
\subtitle{Advanced Methodolgy in Mathematics\\
\vspace{5 mm}
Master in Advanced Mathematics}

\author{Amna Alshanbari}
% - Give the names in the same order as the appear in the paper.
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
%   affiliation.
\date{November 25,2014 \\ \includegraphics[width=3cm]{logo}}



\subject{Theoretical Computer Science}
% This is only inserted into the PDF information catalog. Can be left
% out. 

% If you have a file called "university-logo-filename.xxx", where xxx
% is a graphic format that can be processed by latex or pdflatex,
% resp., then you can add a logo as follows:

% \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{university-logo}{university-logo-filename}
% \logo{\pgfuseimage{university-logo}}

% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
% the beginning of each subsection:


\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[circle]
   \item Goals
   \item Columns
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
   \item Text in two columns
   \item Text in three colums
    \end {itemize}
  \item Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  \item Big Math Expressions \rom{1}
  \item Big Math Expressions \rom{2}
  \item Examples using Ti\textit{k}Z
  \item Examples using  X\textsubscript{Y-pic}
  \item Remarks
  \item Bibliography

In this assignment you should make an exact copy of this pdf file,changing your {\color{blue}Name and Surname, today's date} and fixing {\color{blue}several misprints}. I have introduced in different places (writing the words in {\color{purple}purple}).\\
\vspace{1 mm }
Be aware that you are supposed to mimic not only the text, alignments, statements, diagrams and the mathematical\\
 formulas, but also the \textit{font} and {\huge size}, highlighted text, the use of $\backslash$\texttt{pause}, $\backslash$\texttt{onslide}, $\backslash$\texttt{only},$\backslash$\texttt{visible}, etc.
%I have introduced in different places (writing the words in purple 

\begin{frame}{Second Slide Title}
  \item {
    First item.
    \pause % The slide will pause after showing the first item
  \item {   
    Second item.
  % You can also specify when the content should appear
  % by using <n->:
  \item<3-> {
    Third item.
  \item<4-> {
    Fourth item.
  % or you can use the \uncover command to reveal general
  % content (not just \items):
  \item<5-> {
    Fifth item. \uncover<6->{Extra text in the fifth item.}

\begin{block}{Block Title}
You can also highlight sections of your presentation in a block, with it's own title
There are separate environments for theorems, examples, definitions and proofs.
Here is an example of an example block.

% Placing a * after \section means it will not show in the
% outline or table of contents.

    The \alert{first main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
    The \alert{second main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
    Perhaps a \alert{third message}, but not more than that.

      Something you haven't solved.
      Something else you haven't solved.
\frametitle{Frame with reduced font size}
In this assignment you should make an exact copy of this pdf file,chang-\\ing your Name and Surname, today's date and fixing several misprints.\: \\I have introduced in different places writing the words in purple\\

\frametitle{Frame with regular font size}
In this assignment you should make an exact copy of this pdf file,changing your Name and Surname, today's date and fixing several misprints.I have introduced in different places (writing\\ the words in purple


% All of the following is optional and typically not needed. 
\subsection<presentation>*{For Further Reading}

  \frametitle<presentation>{For Further Reading}


  % Start with overview books.

    \newblock {\em Handbook of Everything}.
    \newblock Some Press, 1990.

  % Followed by interesting articles. Keep the list short. 

    \newblock On this and that.
    \newblock {\em Journal of This and That}, 2(1):50--100,




% Copyright 2004 by Till Tantau <[email protected]>.
% In principle, this file can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2.
% However, this file is supposed to be a template to be modified
% for your own needs. For this reason, if you use this file as a
% template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another
% package/program, I grant the extra permission to freely copy and
% modify this file as you see fit and even to delete this copyright
% notice. 


% There are many different themes available for Beamer. A comprehensive
% list with examples is given here:
% http://deic.uab.es/~iblanes/beamer_gallery/index_by_theme.html
% You can uncomment the themes below if you would like to use a different
% one:
\newcommand{\cvec}[1]{{\mathbf #1}}
\newcommand{\rvec}[1]{\vec{\mathbf #1}}
\newcommand{\minor}{{\rm minor}}
\newcommand*{\rom}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}



% A subtitle is optional and this may be deleted
\subtitle{Advanced Methodolgy in Mathematics\\
\vspace{5 mm}
Master in Advanced Mathematics}

\author{Amna Alshanbari}
% - Give the names in the same order as the appear in the paper.
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
%   affiliation.
\date{November 25,2014 \\ \includegraphics[width=3cm]{logo}}



\subject{Theoretical Computer Science}
% This is only inserted into the PDF information catalog. Can be left
% out. 

% If you have a file called "university-logo-filename.xxx", where xxx
% is a graphic format that can be processed by latex or pdflatex,
% resp., then you can add a logo as follows:

% \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{university-logo}{university-logo-filename}
% \logo{\pgfuseimage{university-logo}}

% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
% the beginning of each subsection:


\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[circle]
   \item Goals
   \item Columns
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
   \item Text in two columns
   \item Text in three colums
    \end {itemize}
  \item Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  \item Big Math Expressions \rom{1}
  \item Big Math Expressions \rom{2}
  \item Examples using Ti\textit{k}Z
  \item Examples using  X\textsubscript{Y-pic}
  \item Remarks
  \item Bibliography



In this assignment you should make an exact copy of this pdf file, chang-\cr
ing your {\color{blue}Name and Surname, today's date} and fixing {\color{blue}several misprints}.\cr
I have introduced in different places (writing the words in {\color{purple}purple}).\cr
Be aware that you are supposed to mimic not only the text, align-\cr
ments, statements, diagrams and the mathematical
 formulas, but also\cr
the \textit{font} and {\huge size}, highlighted text, the use of $\backslash$\texttt{pause}, $\backslash$\texttt{onslide},\cr
$\backslash$\texttt{only},$\backslash$\texttt{visible}, etc.\hfill\cr}}}
%I have introduced in different places (writing the words in purple 


\begin{frame}{Second Slide Title}
  \item {
    First item.
    \pause % The slide will pause after showing the first item
  \item {   
    Second item.
  % You can also specify when the content should appear
  % by using <n->:
  \item<3-> {
    Third item.
  \item<4-> {
    Fourth item.
  % or you can use the \uncover command to reveal general
  % content (not just \items):
  \item<5-> {
    Fifth item. \uncover<6->{Extra text in the fifth item.}

\begin{block}{Block Title}
You can also highlight sections of your presentation in a block, with it's own title
There are separate environments for theorems, examples, definitions and proofs.
Here is an example of an example block.

% Placing a * after \section means it will not show in the
% outline or table of contents.

    The \alert{first main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
    The \alert{second main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
    Perhaps a \alert{third message}, but not more than that.

      Something you haven't solved.
      Something else you haven't solved.
\frametitle{Frame with reduced font size}
In this assignment you should make an exact copy of this pdf file,chang-\\ing your Name and Surname, today's date and fixing several misprints.\: \\I have introduced in different places writing the words in purple\\

\frametitle{Frame with regular font size}
In this assignment you should make an exact copy of this pdf file,changing your Name and Surname, today's date and fixing several misprints.I have introduced in different places (writing\\ the words in purple


% All of the following is optional and typically not needed. 
\subsection<presentation>*{For Further Reading}

  \frametitle<presentation>{For Further Reading}


  % Start with overview books.

    \newblock {\em Handbook of Everything}.
    \newblock Some Press, 1990.

  % Followed by interesting articles. Keep the list short. 

    \newblock On this and that.
    \newblock {\em Journal of This and That}, 2(1):50--100,





        In this assignment you should make an exact copy of this pdf
        file, changing your \textcolor{blue}{Name and Surname, today's date}
        and fixing \textcolor{blue}{several misprints} I have introduced in
        diferent places (writing the right words in \textcolor{purple}{purple}).


        Be aware that you are supposed to mimic not only the text,
        alignments, statements, diaggrams and the mathematical formulas,
        but also the \textit{font} and {\Huge size}, highlighted text,
        the use of \verb+\pause+, \verb+\onslide+, \verb+\only+,
        \verb+\visible+, etc.


