

以下图片展示了我的 Lyx 文档,它在转换为 PDF 时给出了第一个输出。我希望将它们大写。我使用的是 Koma documentclass



这是当前的 Latex 序言:


%this command set the paragraph indentation if you want to modify change the value 1.5cm to your preference
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

%This command will change the default Bibliography to References
    \renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols}

%The following comands center the heading of chapters and chapter entries, the default is on the left

% The following commands set the page numbers on the top right except in the beginning of chapters using fancyhdr package (page layout>heading style->fancy)

% The following commands set the vertical space before and after every chapter entry

% The following commands set the TOC, LOT, LOF and LOA: this employs tocloft package

\renewcommand{\cftafterloftitle}{\hfill \hfill 
%\renewcommand{\cftafterloftitle}{\hfill \hfill \hfill
\\[3\baselineskip]{Figure No \hfill Title \hfill Page \linebreak} \vskip-50pt}

\renewcommand{\cftafterlottitle}{\hfill \hfill
%\renewcommand{\cftafterlottitle}{\hfill \hfill\hfill
\\[3\baselineskip]{Table No \hfill Title \hfill Page \linebreak }

\newlistof{appendices}{loa}{List of Appendices}
\renewcommand{\cftafterloatitle}{\hfill \hfill
%\renewcommand{\cftafterloatitle}{\hfill \hfill\hfill 
\\[3\baselineskip]{Appendix \hfill Title \hfill Page  \linebreak} 

\renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{CHAPTER }
\renewcommand{\cftsecpresnum}{\qquad\quad\,\,\,\, }
\renewcommand{\cftsubsecpresnum}{\quad\,\, }


% Redefining automatic label of Figure, Table and Eq.

%To remove extra vertical space in List of Symbols [added in V-05]

% from koma-script scrbook.cls, then modified [added in V-05] to shift addchap in TOC to the right: \qquad\qquad\,\,
           \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\qquad\qquad\,\, #1}



我对 ERT 了解不多。但在 latex 中,你可以将这些添加到你的序言中

\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase{Table of Contents}}
\renewcommand*{\listoflotname}{\MakeUppercase{List of Tables}}
\renewcommand*{\listoflofname}{\MakeUppercase{List of Figures}}

\setkomafont{chapter}{\MakeUppercase}或者通过在列表之前和之后添加来按照 koma 方式进行\addtokomafont{chapter}{\normalfont}

%\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase{Table of Contents}}
%\renewcommand*{\listoflotname}{\MakeUppercase{List of Tables}}
%\renewcommand*{\listoflofname}{\MakeUppercase{List of Figures}}
  \caption{Some table}
    \caption{a figure}
