使用 \printsolutions 对齐 Exsheets 答案

使用 \printsolutions 对齐 Exsheets 答案

使用 exsheets 包时,我遇到了 \printsolution[all] 的问题。


  runin = true ,
  number-post-code = \space ,
  attach = { main[r,vc]number[l,vc](-3em,0pt) } ,
  above = 0pt,
  below = 0pt 
%  solution/print = true , 
  headings = exclist ,
  headings-format = \bfseries, 
%  counter-format = ch.qu ,
  counter-within = chapter

\usepackage{scrextend}% needed with a KOMA-Script class, `addmargin' environment



\section{Sec.\thesection }
This is  normal  text. 

\section*{Using solution environment in section  }

    This is sample question 1.

    This is sample solution 1. 

    This is sample question 2.

    This is sample solution 2. 

This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. 

\section*{Using printsolutions at the end}


This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. 




exsheet 包在本节中运行良好,但在书末使用 \printsolutions 时,答案超出了页边距。我不知道如何纠正它,有人能帮助我吗?谢谢!


由于解决方案环境未被使用,因此\printsolutions \AtBeginEnvironment{solution}{...}对在那里打印的解决方案没有影响。


  question/pre-hook = \addmargin[3em]{0em} ,
  question/post-hook = \endaddmargin ,
  solution/pre-hook = \addmargin[3em]{0em} ,
  solution/post-hook = \endaddmargin

solution如果通过通过 环境,则在打印的每个解决方案之前和之后将使用相应的代码\printsolution




  runin = true ,
  number-post-code = \space ,
  attach = { main[r,vc]number[l,vc](-3em,0pt) } ,
  above = 0pt,
  below = 0pt 
%  solution/print = true , 
  headings = exclist ,
  headings-format = \bfseries, 
  counter-within = chapter

\usepackage{scrextend}% needed with a KOMA-Script class, `addmargin' environment

  question/pre-hook = \addmargin[3em]{0em} ,
  question/post-hook = \endaddmargin ,
  solution/pre-hook = \addmargin[3em]{0em} ,
  solution/post-hook = \endaddmargin


This is  normal  text. 

\section*{Using solution environment in section}

    This is sample question 1.

    This is sample solution 1. 

    This is sample question 2.

    This is sample solution 2. 

This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal
text. This is normal text.

\section*{Using printsolutions at the end}


This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal
text. This is normal text.

