BibTeX 不起作用

BibTeX 不起作用

嘿,我完全迷路了。尽管我访问了几个网站并直接复制了它们的命令,但我的 LaTeX 文档拒绝生成引文或参考书目条目。这是 LaTeX。







\title{Nominals of Modern Greek (Abstract)}

\author{Dingler, Ian}



Important to note, is that if their are no other items in the lexical phrase, the D must appear to the left side of N i.e. *\textit{podia ta}, \citet{MG21}.


\bibliography{Syn3 Ref}


这是我的 bib 条目,保存为“Syn3 Ref”


       auTHor = {Brian D. Joseph and Irene Philippaki-Warburton},

       YEAR = {1987},

       Title = {Modern Greek},

       publisher = {Biddles Ltd, Guilford and Kin'gs Lynn},

       address = {Great Britain}



要获取参考书目,您需要运行 BibTeX。调用序列示例:

pdflatex test
bibtex test
pdflatex test
pdflatex test

BibTeX 运行将由于两个问题而失败:

$ bibtex test
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2014)
The top-level auxiliary file: test.aux
I couldn't open style file te.bst
---line 3 of file test.aux
 : \bibstyle{te
 :             }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
White space in argument---line 4 of file test.aux
 : \bibdata{Syn3
 :               Ref}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no database files---while reading file test.aux
I found no style file---while reading file test.aux
(There were 4 error messages)
  1. 参考书目样式te未知(至少我的系统中te.bst没有)。下面的示例使用了许多参考书目样式中的一种,请根据需要进行替换。

  2. BibTeX 不喜欢文件名中有空格.bib。例如,重命名Syn3 Ref.bibSyn3Ref.bib



% \usepackage{cite}  

\title{Nominals of Modern Greek (Abstract)}
\author{Dingler, Ian}



Important to note, is that if their are no other items in the lexical
phrase, the D must appear to the left side of N i.e. *\textit{podia ta},



