我怎样才能用 apa6 将摘要放在标题页上?

我怎样才能用 apa6 将摘要放在标题页上?

我正在为心理学课程写实验报告。报告必须采用 APA 手稿格式,但摘要必须放在标题页上。我使用的是 apa6 .sty,但我不知道该怎么做。我找到的最接近答案的是这里,但这涉及删除摘要,而我想删除摘要并将摘要移至标题页。以下是我的代码示例:

\documentclass[man, 11pt, babel english, helv]{apa6}

\title{Lab: Hello World}
\author{Henry Elliott}
\affiliation{Oklahoma State University}
    This is my abstract.

% My paper 




  1. \newpage否定的效果\maketitle,或者
  2. 修改生成标题页的代码并删除\newpage输出之前的abstract


代码: 补丁\newpage\maketitle

\documentclass[man, 11pt, babel english, helv]{apa6}

   \renewcommand\newpage{\let\newpage\OldNewpage}% <----- Eliminate the effect of first \newpage

\title{Lab: Hello World}
\author{Henry Elliott}
\affiliation{Oklahoma State University}
    This is my abstract.

% My paper 

代码: 修改\maketitle

\documentclass[man, 11pt, babel english, helv]{apa6}




  \@ifundefined{apaSix@maskauthoridentity}{%  BDB

      \@author \\

      \@affil \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{
      \@authorOne \\

      \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorTwo \\

      \@affilTwo \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{
      \@authorOne \\

      \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorTwo \\

      \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorThree \\

      \@affilThree \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{
      \@ifundefined{@authorFive}{       %% 2006/01/05 added as contributed by Aaron Geller
      \@authorOne \\

      \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorTwo \\

      \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorThree \\

      \@affilThree \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorFour \\

      \@affilFour \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{ %% 2006/01/05 beginning of Aaron Geller contribution
      \@ifundefined{@authorSix}{ %% -- thp 2006/01/05
      \@authorOne \\

      \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorTwo \\

      \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorThree \\

      \@affilThree \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorFour \\

      \@affilFour \vspace{0.2in} \\ %% thp corrected distance to non-final value of 0.2in
      \@authorFive \\

      \@affilFive \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{%% 2006/01/05 end of Aaaron Geller contribution
    %% --- thp 2006/01/05 beginning of six-author display
      \@authorOne \\

      \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorTwo \\

      \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorThree \\

      \@affilThree \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorFour \\

      \@affilFour \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorFive \\

      \@affilFive \vspace{0.2in} \\
      \@authorSix \\

      \@affilSix \vspace{0.25in} \\ }}}}}
    %% --- thp 2006/01/05 end of six-author display
       {\vspace*{\baselineskip} }

  }{%  mask author identity -- show nothing in the author or author note space


  }{%  mask author identity -- show nothing in the author or author note space

  %\newpage% <--------------- Commented this out
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    \section{\normalfont\normalsize\abstractname}% BDB
    \noindent\@abstract\par% BDB
      \setlength{\parindent}{0.4in}% BDB
      \indent\textit{\keywordname:} \@keywords%



\title{Lab: Hello World}
\author{Henry Elliott}
\affiliation{Oklahoma State University}
    This is my abstract.

% My paper 
