更改 tikzpicture 中文本和图形的位置

更改 tikzpicture 中文本和图形的位置


\draw[fill=black!40, draw = black!40, line width=2pt]
    (-2, -2.5) rectangle +(\textwidth, 4cm);
\draw (2, -0.3) node[right, text
    width=\textwidth-4.5cm] {This is a test as you can see and we put more text to see what happens here and there.};
\draw[red, fill=white, rounded corners = 5pt, line width=10pt]
    (30:2cm) -- (150:2cm) -- (270:2cm) -- cycle;
\draw (0, 0.3) node {Hello};
\draw (0, -0.3) node {Goodbye};





正如 Sigur 所建议的,您可以使用scopes来移动符号和文本:

\draw[fill=black!40, draw = black!40, line width=2pt]
    (-2, -2.5) rectangle +(\textwidth, 4cm);
\draw (2, -0.3) node[draw, right, text
    width=\textwidth-4.5cm] {This is a test as you can see and we put more text to see what happens here and there.};
\draw[red, fill=white, rounded corners = 5pt, line width=10pt]
    (30:2cm) -- (150:2cm) -- (270:2cm) -- cycle;
\draw (0, 0.3) node {Hello};
\draw (0, -0.3) node {Goodbye};

\draw[fill=black!40, draw = black!40, line width=2pt]
    (-2, -2.5) rectangle +(\textwidth, 4cm);
\draw (2, -0.3) node[draw, right, text
    width=\textwidth-4.5cm] {This is a test as you can see and we put more text to see what happens here and there.};
\draw[red, fill=white, rounded corners = 5pt, line width=10pt]
    (30:2cm) -- (150:2cm) -- (270:2cm) -- cycle;
\draw (0, 0.3) node {Hello};
\draw (0, -0.3) node {Goodbye};





该标志有regular polygon3 个面。Hello并且Goodbye可以添加label=center:...

text只是一个可以放置above/below rightabove/below left来自标志的常规节点。

灰色背景可以在两个节点之后绘制。借助backgroundtikzlibrary,您可以有不同的选择: - show background rectangle - 背景层上的填充矩形 -背景层上的填充fitting节点(需要tikzlibrary)fit

下一个代码显示了我如何做到的。第二张图片的变化below leftbelow right。就这样。


\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=black!40, 
                                    inner frame sep=3pt},
                    show background rectangle]
\node[regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3, line width=10pt, rounded corners,
      minimum size=3.6cm+\pgflinewidth, draw=red, fill=white, 
      shape border rotate=60, 
      label={[text width=1.5cm,align=center]center:{Hello\\Goodbye}}] 
      (sign) at (0,0){};

\node[below right=-2mm and 2cm of sign.center, 
      text width=\textwidth-4.5cm] (text) 
      {This is a test as you can see and we put more 
          text to see what happens here and there.};


\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=black!40, 
                                    inner frame sep=3pt},
                    show background rectangle]
\node[regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3, line width=10pt, rounded corners,
      minimum size=3.6cm+\pgflinewidth, draw=red, fill=white, 
      shape border rotate=60, 
      label={[text width=1.5cm,align=center]center:{Hello\\Goodbye}}] 
      (sign) at (0,0){};

\node[below left=-2mm and 2cm of sign.center, 
      text width=\textwidth-4.5cm] (text) 
      {This is a test as you can see and we put more 
          text to see what happens here and there.};


