在 LaTeX 中创建带枚举的表格

在 LaTeX 中创建带枚举的表格




  % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
  Name of the Service & Description & Input & Output \\
  creditAccount & To credit a bank account & \begin{enumerate}\item Account Number \item Amount \end{enumerate} & \begin{enumerate}\item Message – Whether the credit was successful or not \item Current Account Balance
 \end{enumerate} \\
   &  &  &  \\
   &  &  &  \\
   &  &  &  \\
   &  &  &  \\
   &  &  &  \\





\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}% Just for this example

  {\setcounter{enumi}{0}% Reset list counter


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ >{\centering\arraybackslash}X *{3}{X} }
  \textbf{Name of the Service} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Input} & \textbf{Output} \\
  % Credit Account =====
  creditAccount & To credit a bank account & \begin{listenv}{N}
    Account Number \\ Amount
  \end{listenv} & \begin{listenv}{M}
    Message -- Whether the credit was successful or not \\
    Current Account Balance
  \end{listenv} \\
  % Credit Transaction Details =====
  creditTransactionDetails & To get the details of the last credit transaction & \begin{listenv}{N}
    Account Number
  \end{listenv} & 
  Message -- With the amount last credited in the account \\
  % Debit Account =====
  debitAccount & To debit from a bank account & \begin{listenv}{N}
    Account Number \\ Amount
  \end{listenv} & \begin{listenv}{M}
    Message -- Whether the debit was successful or not \\
    Current Account Balance
  \end{listenv} \\
  % Debit Transaction Details =====
  debitTransactionDetails & To get the details of the last debit transaction & \begin{listenv}{N}
    Account Number
  \end{listenv} &
  Message -- With the amount last debited in the account \\
  % Get Account Balance =====
  getAccountBalance & To get the balance in the account & \begin{listenv}{N}
    Account Number
  \end{listenv} &
  Message -- With the balance in the account \\
  % Get Credit Card Amount =====
  getCreditCardAmount & To get amount spent through credit card & \begin{listenv}{N}
    Account Number
  \end{listenv} &
  Message -- With the amount spent with Credit Card \\


使用以下方式手动插入枚举array>{...}指令。listenv自动执行重置计数器的过程enumi- 通常用于enumerate列表的第一级。
