使用超链接和 tbox 的答案存在问题

使用超链接和 tbox 的答案存在问题

我对以下解决方案有小疑问 带有答案包的超链接

我想制作一个宏,它以解决方案和练习作为参数,使用类似相互引用的按钮,并在视觉上与环境分离。以下是我的 MWE:


\tikzstyle{buttonstyle} = [rectangle, fill = black!30, draw = black!80, drop shadow, font={\sffamily\bfseries}, text=white]

\newcommand*{\button}[1]{\tikz{\node[buttonstyle] {#1};}}

  \hypertarget{sol:\theex}{ } \hfill
  {\par\bigskip\noindent\phantomsection{\bfseries \hypertarget{ex:#1}{}
{\bfseries Solution  of exercise #1}\hfill
  \hyperlink{sol:#1}{\button{Back to exercise #1}}\\}\quad}

% Usage \MEExercise[keys]{exercise}{solution}
{ % The no solution case
{ %Have a solution

First exercise.
First solution.

%\MEExercise{this is exercise 1}{this is solution of exercise 1}
Second exercise.
Second solution.
%\MEExercise{this is exercise 2}{this is solution of exercise 2}

我的问题:1./ 超链接按钮的位置似乎与练习和解决方案毫不相关。如果我将按钮和练习放在一个框中,这或多或少是可以接受的,但最好将按钮放在练习文本的末尾

2./ 我想将内容放入宏中,请参阅 \MEExercise。但是,在这种情况下,ans1 文件的内容是

First solution.
this is solution of exercise 1 \end {sol} \end {ex} \end {tcolorbox}  
Second exercise.
Second solution.

并导致错误 \begin{Soln}{1.2}被关闭 \end {sol}
