这以下代码(pastebin - 大块难以阅读的文本,在适当的文本编辑器中打开并禁用自动换行以使其正确显示)产生以下图像:
\caption{The ATAM Attribute Utility Tree}
\begin{tabular}{ @{} l l >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{9.5cm} @{} }
\bfseries\splitcell{Quality \\ Attribute}
& \bfseries\splitcell{Attribute \\ Refinement}
& \bfseries Scenarios \\
& Fatal error recovery
& Mechanisms must be in place to ensure any error that occurs is handled without
causing the application to crash.
& Reliable Simulation
& Calculate physics simulation results in a reliable manner.
& Scale with world size and complexity
& Physical world size and complexity will have an impact on graphics hardware performance.
The resource requirements must scale linearly with the complexity of the graphical assets
on screen.
& Scale with vehicle complexity
& System performance will be affected by the increase in vehicle complexity. The resources
requirements must scale in proportion to the complexity size.
& Scale with multiplayer size
& On the multiplayer server side, the amount of concurrent connections into the
server is going to impact performance. Servers must have a known budget and resources
requirements must be known for concurrent connection sizes.
& Consistent performance
& Maintain framerate as simulation complexity grows.
& Core isolation
& Update core physics engine without affecting other parts
& Pluggable rendering engine
& Different rendering engines (Direct3D, OpenGL, Mantle etc.)\ should be used
depending on architecture and user requirements.
& Simulation Flexibility
& Simulate various types of vehicles such as cars, boats and aircraft with same
simulation engine.
& Scriptable Interface to Simulation
& Read vehicle configurations and simulation parameters in from human readable files.
& System Settings
& Capacity for various translations (and possible future translations) must be
available in the architecture.
& Scenario Settings
& Adjustable scenario parameters such as weather conditions, time of day, terrain
conditions and various triggerable events must be accessible from the interface.
& Local Translation
& System settings such as audio, graphics and interface must be settable from the
interface and changes must be persistent.
& Unit Translations
& Units must be displayable in various formats such as imperial and ISO.
注意,各个块之间用 分隔\midrule
,同一块内的不同项目用 分隔\addlinespace