我需要在演示文稿的右侧放置这个 tikz 和表格草图,并在左侧放置一些文本。
\frame[shrink]{\frametitle{Implementación del Metodo de diferencias en redes cristlinas}
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen11)
\caption{Red.Replicación de celdas Unitarias}
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen12)
\caption{Celda Unitaria SC-2D}
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen21)
\caption{Vecindade en el eje x para aproximar el metodo}
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen22)
\caption{Division de la Celda Unidad}
remember picture,overlay,
shorten >= 10pt,
shorten <= 10pt,
(imagen11) -- (imagen12);
\draw[->,shorten <= 30pt]
(imagen12) -- (imagen22);
(imagen22) -- (imagen21);
\item Here are the expresion of neighbors of $U_{a}$
\item We have here the the function $\psi$
\item We have here the the function $\psi$
\item We have here the the function $\psi$
\item We have here the the function $\psi$
\item We have here the the function $\psi$
\item We have here the the function $\psi$
\item We have here the the function $\psi$
% \usepackage[spanish]{babel}
\frametitle{Implementación del Metodo de diferencias en redes cristlinas}
\item Here are the expresion of neighbors of $U_{a}$
\item We have here the function $\psi$
\item We have here the function $\psi$
\item We have here the function $\psi$
\item We have here the function $\psi$
\item We have here the function $\psi$
\item We have here the function $\psi$
\item We have here the function $\psi$
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen11)
\caption{Red.Replicación de celdas Unitarias}
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen12)
\caption{Celda Unitaria SC-2D}
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen21)
\caption{Vecindade en el eje x para aproximar el metodo}
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt] (imagen22)
\caption{Division de la Celda Unidad}
remember picture,overlay,
shorten >= 10pt,
shorten <= 10pt,
(imagen11) -- (imagen12);
\draw[->,shorten <= 30pt]
(imagen12) -- (imagen22);
(imagen22) -- (imagen21);