

我一直试图在表格中包含多个脚注。我尝试在迷你页面中使用 longtable,其中包含 \footnotes、\footnotemark 和 \footnotetext。我有多个脚注,有些被多次引用。

使用 \footnotes 时,我无法使用 \footref 引用现有脚注。我尝试了以下解决方案:表格环境中对同一脚注的多次引用,但我没有 scrextend 或 hyperref 软件包。我下载了它们,但出现了一些与我没有的其他软件包相关的错误。我不想再去兔子洞里寻找软件包了。

我也尝试使用 foonotemark 和 footnotetext。在这里,我可以引用现有的脚注,但脚注标记并不等同于带有文本的脚注标记。即脚注标记将为 1,而文本旁边将有一个“a”。



\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}


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\caption{\normalsize{NGC 6791 measured asteroseismic properties}} \\

Target ID  \footnotemark[1] & Target ID  & $\nu_{max}$ ($\mu$Hz) & $\Delta\nu$ ($\mu$Hz) & Membership  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Seismic Membership}\\
KIC &  \scriptsize{(Stetson)}\footnotemark[2] & & & \scriptsize{(Platais)}\footnotemark[3]  \% & (Stello) \footnotemark[4] & This work      \\ 

    2297384 & 5583      & 30.4109   $\pm$ 1.303     & 0 \footnotemark[5]                    $\pm$ 0             & 93    & Yes           & Yes           \\
    2297574 & 8144      & 199.784   $\pm$ 0.019     & 1.4147        $\pm$ 0.0565    & 98    & -                 & Yes           \\
    2297793 & 11539     & 4.10564   $\pm$ 0.177     & 13.02769  $\pm$ 0.0230    & 0         & No            & No            \\
    2297825 & 11957     & 31.2304   $\pm$ 1.217     & 0.9261        $\pm$ 0.0714    & 94    & Yes           & Yes           \\
    2298097 & 14798     & 350.763   $\pm$ 0         & 8.90033       $\pm$ 0.0138    & 96    & -                 & No            \\
    2436291 & 2109      & 367.093   $\pm$ 0.945     & 5.18797       $\pm$ 0.0117    & 99    & -                 & No            \\
    2436543 & 3369      & 26.2462   $\pm$ 0.843 & 1.81895       $\pm$ 0.0106    & 99    & Unknown   & Yes           \\

\label{tab:NGC6791 measurements}


\caption{\normalsize{NGC 6819 measured asteroseismic properties}} \\

Target ID \footnotemark[1] & Target ID  & $\nu_{max}$ ($\mu$Hz) & $\Delta\nu$ ($\mu$Hz) & \multicolumn{2}{c}{RV Membership} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Seismic Membership}\\
KIC &  \scriptsize{(Hole)}\footnotemark[6] & &  & \scriptsize{(Hole)}\footnotemark[7] \% & \scriptsize{(Platais)}\footnotemark[3]  \% & (Stello) \footnotemark[4] & This work   \\ 

    4937011     & 007017    & 27.731    $\pm$ 0.7867    & 4.0957    $\pm$ 0.0446    & 95        & 0         & no            & No        \\
    4937056     & 002012    & 45.600    $\pm$ 1.3478    & 4.7712    $\pm$ 0.0323    & 95        & 98    & yes           & Yes           \\
    4937140     & 012023    & 9.1849    $\pm$ 0.1366    & -7.9273   $\pm$ 1.2744    & 95        & 29    & 0             & No        \\
    4937770     & 009024    & 63.8529   $\pm$ 0.2095    & 7.8517        $\pm$ 0.0050    & 94        & 5         & yes           & maybe     \\
    5023863     &                   & 35.6772   $\pm$ 18.533    & 6.1099    $\pm$ 0.0421    &               &           & 0             & No        \\
    5023889     & 004014    & 53.5692   $\pm$ 0.5341    & 5.3712    $\pm$ 0.0133    & 95        & 0         & no            & No        \\
    5023890     & 009009    & 1.1005    $\pm$ 0.0297    & 0.2528    $\pm$ 0.0777    & 94        & 0         & 0             & No        \\
    5024582     & 009002    & 45.5678  $\pm$ 1.0244     & 4.7783    $\pm$ 0.0446    & BLM   & 99    & yes           & Yes           \\
\label{tab:NGC6819 measurements}

\footnotetext[1]{Only targets for which oscillations were detected are listed.} 
\footnotetext[2]{ID's from Stetson2003}
\footnotetext[3]{Membership probability from radial velocity Platais2011}
\footnotetext[4]{Seismic membership from Stello2011a}
\footnotetext[5]{SYD pipeline was unable to extract a value.}
\footnotetext[6]{ID's from Hole2009}
\footnotetext[7]{Membership probability from radial velocity Hole2009; BLM: binary likely member.}


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字母数字字符应为 1 到 7,或者脚注标记应为相应的字母数字字符。



我不会longtable在同一个 中使用多个环境,而是使用一个环境和一个环境。在 s的主体中使用插入脚注标记,并在 s之后使用环境使用指令列出脚注。minipagetablethreeparttable\tnote{...}tabulartablenotestabular\item


\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}


\caption{NGC 6791 measured asteroseismic properties}
\label{tab:NGC6791 measurements}

Target ID\tnote{1} & Target ID  & $\nu_{max}$ ($\mu$Hz) & $\Delta\nu$ ($\mu$Hz) & Membership  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Seismic Membership}\\
KIC &  \scriptsize{(Stetson)}\tnote{2} & & & \scriptsize{(Platais)}\tnote{3}  \% & (Stello) \tnote{4} & This work      \\ 
    2297384 & 5583      & 30.4109   $\pm$ 1.303     & 0 \tnote{5}                    $\pm$ 0             & 93    & Yes           & Yes           \\
    2297574 & 8144      & 199.784   $\pm$ 0.019     & 1.4147        $\pm$ 0.0565    & 98    & -                 & Yes           \\
    2297793 & 11539     & 4.10564   $\pm$ 0.177     & 13.02769  $\pm$ 0.0230    & 0         & No            & No            \\
    2297825 & 11957     & 31.2304   $\pm$ 1.217     & 0.9261        $\pm$ 0.0714    & 94    & Yes           & Yes           \\
    2298097 & 14798     & 350.763   $\pm$ 0         & 8.90033       $\pm$ 0.0138    & 96    & -                 & No            \\
    2436291 & 2109      & 367.093   $\pm$ 0.945     & 5.18797       $\pm$ 0.0117    & 99    & -                 & No            \\
    2436543 & 3369      & 26.2462   $\pm$ 0.843 & 1.81895       $\pm$ 0.0106    & 99    & Unknown   & Yes           \\

\item[1] Only targets for which oscillations were detected are listed. 
\item[2] ID's from Stetson2003
\item[3] Membership probability from radial velocity Platais2011
\item[4] Seismic membership from Stello2011a
\item[5] SYD pipeline was unable to extract a value.

