如何在 LaTex 中插入软回车?

如何在 LaTex 中插入软回车?

我的项目有一个问题。我想插入软回车。如果我插入 \\,文本就不完全对齐。我可以像在 MS Word 中一样插入软回车吗?


我不知道如何完全对齐第一行。我在“It”一词前使用了 \\。


我怀疑我漏掉了一些非常重要的东西。如果你想让文档看起来像是由 MS Word 生成的,为什么要使用 (La)TeX?使用 MS Word 更直接,不是吗?



\usepackage{newtxtext} % text font: Times Roman clone
\setlength\parindent{0pt} % just for this example
normal spacing in paragraph:

Mineral aerosol represents one of the largest mass fractions of the global aerosol. It consists of windblown soil and is produced mainly in the arid areas of our planet, in particular in the great deserts. Its annual production rate is estimated to be in the order of \dots

using \verb+\linebreak+ after first sentence:

Mineral aerosol represents one of the largest mass fractions of the global aerosol. \linebreak It consists of windblown soil and is produced mainly in the arid areas of our planet, in particular in the great deserts. Its annual production rate is estimated to be in the order of \dots


正如@Johannes_B 在评论中所建议的,我使用了\linebreak而不是\\,我的问题就解决了。
