($(midp-\i)$) -- +(0.33cm,0.33cm) node[above]
此代码是根据以下问题的答案改编的: tikz:如何将列表作为 tikz 宏的参数传递并在宏内的 foreach 中使用它 和 自循环上的锚点(从该锚点画一条线)
% #1: list of nodes label, #2: list of arcs annotation
\foreach[count=\n] \v in {#1}; % count the number of elements
\pgfmathsetmacro{\r}{\n*0.2} % set the node distance from (0,0)
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{90/\n} % evaluate the bend angle
\foreach[count=\i, evaluate=\i as \a using (\i-1)*360/\n] \v in {#1} % write nodes
\node [circle, draw, font=\scriptsize] (n-\i) at (\a:\r) {$\v$};
\foreach \i [remember=\i as \j (initially \n)] in {1,...,\n} % write arcs and create anchor points
\path[->,bend right=\b] (n-\j) edge coordinate[pos=0.5] (midp-\j) (n-\i);
\foreach[count=\i] \annotation in {#2} % write annotations on each arc
\path[draw=black!80,line width=0.6pt,dotted] ($(midp-\i)$) -- +(0.33cm,0.33cm) node[above] {\scriptsize\annotation};
? 可能需要进行一些调整,但应该给出基本思想:
\foreach [count=\n] \v in {#1}; % count the number of elements
\pgfmathsetmacro {\r} {\n*0.2} % set the node distance from (0,0)
\pgfmathsetmacro {\b} {90/\n} % evaluate the bend angle
\pgfmathsetmacro {\p} {360/\n}
\foreach [count=\i, evaluate=\i as \a using (\i-1)*360/\n] \v in {#1} % write nodes
\node [circle, draw, font=\scriptsize] (n-\i) at (\a:\r) {$\v$};
\foreach \i [remember=\i as \j (initially \n)] in {1,...,\n} % write arcs and create anchor points
\path [->,bend right=\b] (n-\j) edge coordinate [pos=0.5] (midp-\j) (n-\i);
\foreach [count=\i] \annotation in {#2} % write annotations on each arc
\node [pin={[pin edge={draw=black!80,line width=0.6pt,dotted}, font=\scriptsize]\i*\p-.5*\p:\annotation}] at ($(midp-\i)$) {};