我正在 Texmaker 中撰写论文。当我编译主论文文件时,参考书目文件被忽略。它不会显示在目录列表中,并且引文也不会显示在文本中。此外,参考文献也不会显示在末尾。
\tableofcontents \cleardoublepage
\include{./Chapter1/introductions} \cleardoublepage
AUTHOR = {Anderson, B. D. O.},
TITLE = {An algebraic solution to the spectral factorization problem},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Automatc Control},
volume = {AC-12},
number = {4},
pages = {410-414},
YEAR = {1967},
AUTHOR = {Anderson, B. D. O.},
TITLE = {Second-order convergent algorithms for the steady-state {R}iccati equation},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Control},
volume = {28},
number = {2},
pages = {295-306},
YEAR = {1978},
AUTHOR = {Tsiotras, P. and M. Corless and M. Rotea},
TITLE = {Counter example to a recent result on the stability of nonlinear systems},
JOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information},
YEAR = {1996},
volume = {13},
number= {2},
pages = {129-130}
AUTHOR = {Anderson, B. D. O. and J. B. Moore},
TITLE = {Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods},
PUBLISHER = {Prentice Hall International Inc.},
YEAR = {1989},
AUTHOR = {Do, K. D. and J. Pan},
TITLE = {Control of Ships and Underactuated Vehicles},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2009},
AUTHOR = {Fa\"{y} , H.},
TITLE = {Dynamic Positioning Systems: Principles, Design and Applications},
PUBLISHER = {\={E}ditions Technip},
YEAR = {1990},
author = {Cloutier, J. R. and C. P. Mracek and D. B. Ridgely and K. D. Hammett},
title = {State Dependent {R}iccati Equation Techniques: theory and applications},
organization = {Proceedings of American Control Conference Workshop, June 24-26, 1998, Philadelphia, PA, USA.}
AUTHOR = {Torsetnes, G.},
TITLE = {Nonlinear Control and Observer Design for Dynamic Positioning using Contraction Theory},
SCHOOL = {Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway},
MONTH = {January},
YEAR = {2004}
AUTHOR = {Spouge, J.},
TITLE = {Review of Methods for Demonstrating Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning Systems for the Offshore Industry},
Type = {Research Report},
NUMBER = {15},
INSTITUTION = {DNV, Consulting, London},
YEAR = {2004}
\chapter{Introduction and Preliminaries}
\section{Dynamical Positioning Vessels}
The term vessel is defined as Hollow structure made to float upon the water for purposes of transportation and navigation; especially, one that is larger than a rowboat. The words vessel, ship and boat are often used interchangeably \cite{Anderson67}. Dynamic Positioning is a technique of automatically maintaining the position of a floating, unanchored vessel within a specified tolerance by using generated thrust vectors to counter the forces of wind, wave, and current forces tending to move the vessel away from the desired location \cite{Anderson78}.A Dynamic Positioning Vessel is very helpful in monitoring the natural occurrences that take place offshore and aids in vessels to maintain its position in the deep sea by pinpointing about the wind and the wave data which would otherwise make a vessel lose control and veer off its course. Through Dynamic Positioning, a vessel does not require the usage of anchors to maintain its course in the deep waters and thus can carry out its main purpose well. Vessels with dynamic positioning system are known as dynamic positioning vessels \cite{Torsetnes04}.\\
Since the development of Dynamic Positioning which incorporates the usage of SONAR \cite{Spouge04}, Radar and other comprehensive detection, vessels have started finding it easy to maintain their pace and steady their being in the deeper parts of the oceanic and sea waters \cite{Cloutier98}.
\section{Brief History}
The first vessel to fulfill the accepted definition of DP was the "Eureka", of 1961, designed and engineered by Howard Shatto[Fig. 1.1]. Drilling has been performed with winds up to 40 mph and 20 foot swells. As many as 14 core boles have been drilled in one day \cite{Fay90}.
\section{Overview Of Thesis}
In this thesis, a simple robust controller for path following of underactuated surface vessels based on hierarchical sliding-mode technique [17] is proposed. Uncertain parameters and 2-order wave disturbance are taken into consideration. \\
%\noindent \begin{large}
%\noindent [1] Handbook Of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics And Motion Control by Thor I. Fossen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway.\
%\noindent [2] Path Following And Stabilization Of Underactuated Surface Vessels Based On Adaptive Hierarchical Sliding Mode, Cheng Liu, Zao-Jian Zou and Jian-Chuan Yin, Received May 2013; revised September 2013.
\newtheorem{eg}{Example}[section] % This is for plain example and example will be written b/w \begin{eg}..\end{eg}.but if you need a triangle to mark the end of the example then add the next line in the preamble and example will be written b/w \begin{example} ... \end{example}.
\newenvironment{example}{\begin{eg}}{\hfill $\blacktriangle$ \end{eg}}
% My additions start
\newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma}[section] %[theorem] it should be b/w {.} and {.}
% \newtheorem{remark}{Remark} % [remark] should be b/w {rmk} and {Remark}. [section] represents sectionwise numberingandcomeslast
\newtheorem{prop}{Proposition}[section] % [proposition]
\usepackage{graphicx,color} % This and the following statements are to support the inclusion of block diagram with latex text
\newtheorem{Corol}{Corollary}[section] % to support corollary 18-05-10
\renewcommand*{\abstractname}{Acknowledgments} \abstract}{%
% My additions end
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{\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}}
{\hbox{$\sf\scriptstyle Z\kern-0.3em Z$}}
{\hbox{$\sf\scriptscriptstyle Z\kern-0.2em Z$}}}}
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% % on the page when you add \layout to
% your texfile
% Hyphenation
% \usepackage[dutch]{babel}
% commenting next package changes font of calligraphic math (at least)!
% \usepackage{mathptmx} % Important package, don't uncomment
% \usepackage{charter}
% \usepackage{amsbsy}
%% Layout definition for Shah's thesis
% headsep=8mm
% move from center
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%% Heading commands for Shah's thesis
%%% define the headings %%%
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% define relative path to images for this .tex file
% define below the title of your thesis, the subtitle, and your own name
\newcommand{\thetitle}{YOur Title}
%\newcommand{\thetitleconnector}{based on}
\newcommand{\thesubtitle}{Your Subtitle}
\newcommand{\theauthor}{Your Name}
\textbf{\huge \thetitle}\\[\baselineskip]\textbf{\LARGE \thesubtitle}%\\[\baselineskip]\textbf{\Large \thetitleconnector}
%% and on page 4 an overview of your review committee
\newpage %
\selectlanguage{american} %american replaced with english to support \blindtext but later aborted it.
% possibly include your logos and make acknowledgements to funding
\noindent All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by
this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
written permission of the author.
以及三个实例。 bib 文件应该只包含书目条目,当然不应该包含 LaTeX 代码。\bibitem
成功运行 LaTeX 后,请务必再运行 BibTeX 和 LaTeX 两次以传播所有更改。
AUTHOR = {Anderson, B. D. O.},
TITLE = {An algebraic solution to the spectral factorization problem},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Automatc Control},
volume = {AC-12},
number = {4},
pages = {410-414},
YEAR = {1967},
AUTHOR = {Anderson, B. D. O.},
TITLE = {Second-order convergent algorithms for the steady-state {R}iccati equation},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Control},
volume = {28},
number = {2},
pages = {295-306},
YEAR = {1978},
AUTHOR = {Tsiotras, P. and M. Corless and M. Rotea},
TITLE = {Counter example to a recent result on the stability of nonlinear systems},
JOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information},
YEAR = {1996},
volume = {13},
number= {2},
pages = {129-130}
AUTHOR = {Anderson, B. D. O. and J. B. Moore},
TITLE = {Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods},
PUBLISHER = {Prentice Hall International Inc.},
YEAR = {1989},
AUTHOR = {Do, K. D. and J. Pan},
TITLE = {Control of Ships and Underactuated Vehicles},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2009},
AUTHOR = {Fa{\"y} , H.},
TITLE = {Dynamic Positioning Systems: Principles, Design and Applications},
PUBLISHER = {\={E}ditions Technip},
YEAR = {1990},
author = {Cloutier, J. R. and C. P. Mracek and D. B. Ridgely and K. D. Hammett},
title = {State Dependent {R}iccati Equation Techniques: theory and applications},
organization = {Proceedings of American Control Conference Workshop, June 24--26, 1998, Philadelphia, PA, USA.}
AUTHOR = {Torsetnes, G.},
TITLE = {Nonlinear Control and Observer Design for Dynamic Positioning using Contraction Theory},
SCHOOL = {Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway},
MONTH = {January},
YEAR = {2004}
AUTHOR = {Spouge, J.},
TITLE = {Review of Methods for Demonstrating Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning Systems for the Offshore Industry},
Type = {Research Report},
NUMBER = {15},
INSTITUTION = {DNV, Consulting, London},
YEAR = {2004}
\chapter{Introduction and Preliminaries}
\section{Dynamical Positioning Vessels}
The term vessel is defined as Hollow structure made to float upon the water for purposes of transportation and navigation; especially, one that is larger than a rowboat. The words vessel, ship and boat are often used interchangeably \cite{Anderson67}. Dynamic Positioning is a technique of automatically maintaining the position of a floating, unanchored vessel within a specified tolerance by using generated thrust vectors to counter the forces of wind, wave, and current forces tending to move the vessel away from the desired location \cite{Anderson78}. A Dynamic Positioning Vessel is very helpful in monitoring the natural occurrences that take place offshore and aids in vessels to maintain its position in the deep sea by pinpointing about the wind and the wave data which would otherwise make a vessel lose control and veer off its course. Through Dynamic Positioning, a vessel does not require the usage of anchors to maintain its course in the deep waters and thus can carry out its main purpose well. Vessels with dynamic positioning system are known as dynamic positioning vessels \cite{Torsetnes04}.
Since the development of Dynamic Positioning which incorporates the usage of SONAR \cite{Spouge04}, Radar and other comprehensive detection, vessels have started finding it easy to maintain their pace and steady their being in the deeper parts of the oceanic and sea waters \cite{Cloutier98}.
\section{Brief History}
The first vessel to fulfill the accepted definition of DP was the ``Eureka'', of 1961, designed and engineered by Howard Shatto[Fig. 1.1]. Drilling has been performed with winds up to 40 mph and 20 foot swells. As many as 14 core boles have been drilled in one day \cite{Fay90}.
\section{Overview Of Thesis}
In this thesis, a simple robust controller for path following of underactuated surface vessels based on hierarchical sliding-mode technique [17] is proposed. Uncertain parameters and 2-order wave disturbance are taken into consideration.
\newtheorem{eg}{Example}[section] % This is for plain example and example will be written b/w \begin{eg}..\end{eg}.but if you need a triangle to mark the end of the example then add the next line in the preamble and example will be written b/w \begin{example} ... \end{example}.
\newenvironment{example}{\begin{eg}}{\hfill $\blacktriangle$ \end{eg}}
% My additions start
\newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma}[section] %[theorem] it should be b/w {.} and {.}
% \newtheorem{remark}{Remark} % [remark] should be b/w {rmk} and {Remark}. [section] represents sectionwise numberingandcomeslast
\newtheorem{prop}{Proposition}[section] % [proposition]
\usepackage{graphicx,color} % This and the following statements are to support the inclusion of block diagram with latex text
\newtheorem{Corol}{Corollary}[section] % to support corollary 18-05-10
\renewcommand*{\abstractname}{Acknowledgments} \abstract}{\endabstract}
% My additions end
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{\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}}
{\hbox{$\sf\scriptstyle Z\kern-0.3em Z$}}
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%% Packages
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% \usepackage{refcheck} % Print labels
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% % on the page when you add \layout to
% your texfile
% Hyphenation
% \usepackage[dutch]{babel}
% commenting next package changes font of calligraphic math (at least)!
% \usepackage{mathptmx} % Important package, don't uncomment
% \usepackage{charter}
% \usepackage{amsbsy}
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%% Layout definition for Shah's thesis
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%% Heading commands for Shah's thesis
%%% define the headings %%%
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% define relative path to images for this .tex file
% define below the title of your thesis, the subtitle, and your own name
\newcommand{\thetitle}{YOur Title}
%\newcommand{\thetitleconnector}{based on}
\newcommand{\thesubtitle}{Your Subtitle}
\newcommand{\theauthor}{Your Name}
\textbf{\huge \thetitle}\\[\baselineskip]\textbf{\LARGE \thesubtitle}%\\[\baselineskip]\textbf{\Large \thetitleconnector}
%% and on page 4 an overview of your review committee
\newpage %
\selectlanguage{american} %american replaced with english to support \blindtext but later aborted it.
% possibly include your logos and make acknowledgements to funding
\noindent All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by
this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
written permission of the author.