如何才能实现如下图顶部所示的 Times 字体的细微变化?下图给出了我使用 Times LT Std 的简单尝试。上面的变化让我感兴趣,因为它在许多数学教科书中都很明显,而下面的变化看起来像愚蠢的 Times New Roman。
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Termes}[Scale=0.925,FakeStretch=1.075,PunctuationSpace=2]
{\Large\bfseries TeX Gyre Termes with some adjustments}
A factory produces flower pots. The base diameters have a normal distribution with mean 14cm
and standard deviation 0.52cm. Find the probability that the base diameters of exactly 8 out
of 10 randomly chosen flowers pots are between 13.6cm and 14.8cm. 1234567890
\fontspec{Times New Roman}
{\Large\bfseries Times New Roman}
A factory produces flower pots. The base diameters have a normal distribution with mean 14cm
and standard deviation 0.52cm. Find the probability that the base diameters of exactly 8 out
of 10 randomly chosen flowers pots are between 13.6cm and 14.8cm. 1234567890