circuitikz DAC 和 ADC 形状

circuitikz DAC 和 ADC 形状

有 DAC 和 DAC 形状吗circuitikz?你知道,不规则五边形(边为三角形的线保证/矩形)。



    draw, fill=#1, very thick, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4,
    text width=1cm, minimum width=2.25cm, minimum height=1.5cm,
    outer sep=0, inner sep=0

    draw, fill=#1, very thick,
    text width=1cm, minimum width=2.25cm, minimum height=1.5cm,
    outer sep=0, inner sep=0%,
%    path (-0.75cm,-0.75cm) 
%      -- (-1.50cm, 0     ) 
%      -- (-0.75cm, 0.75cm) 
%      -- ( 0.75cm, 0.75cm) 
%      -- ( 0.75cm,-0.75cm) 
%      -- cycle;

 \coordinate (D) at (#1,#2);
       outer sep=0] (#3) at (D) {};
   \node[DAC=purple!10, shift=(D), draw=green, fill=none, name path=#3] (CCC)  {}
     -- (-1.50cm, 0     ) 
     -- (-0.75cm, 0.75cm) 
     -- ( 0.75cm, 0.75cm) 
     -- ( 0.75cm,-0.75cm) 
     -- cycle;
   \node[font=\Large] (Badc) at (D) {\texttt{ADC}};


 \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=0.5mm] 
   \draw (Bdac) -- (5,0);

\ end{document}


这是否接近您想要的?我在这里找到了模型模数转换器。正如所提到的,解决方案将两个终端元素circuitikz之一修改 为两个宏,分别称为和,它们分别假设两个参数和。语法与下面的语法相同circuitikzgenericmyADCmyDAC<name><color>circuitikz

\draw (x1,y1) to[generic,color=white,name=<name>] (x2,y2);
\myadc{<name>}{<color>}  % To replace the generic element




\newcommand{\myDAC}[2] % #1=name, #2=color
\draw[fill=#2] (#1)  +(-16.5pt,0pt) --+(-6pt,6pt) --+(16.5pt,6pt) --+(16.5pt,-6pt) --+(-6pt,-6pt) --cycle;
\draw[] (#1)node{\tiny DAC};

\newcommand{\myADC}[2] % #1 = name, #2=color
\draw[fill=#2] (#1)  +(-16.5pt,0pt) --+(-6pt,6pt) --+(16.5pt,6pt) --+(16.5pt,-6pt) --+(-6pt,-6pt) --cycle;
\draw[] (#1)node[]{\tiny ADC};



\draw (3,4) to[generic,color=white,name=ADC] (5,4);

\draw (3,2) to[generic,color=white,name=DAC] (5,2);




这将使用标准电路形状定义创建双极 ADC 和差分 ADC。



% normally defined in components.tex

\newlength{\ResUp} \newlength{\ResDown}
\newlength{\ResLeft} \newlength{\ResRight}
\newlength{\ResRadius} \newlength{\ResMiddle}

\pgf@circ@Rlen = \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/circuitikz/bipoles/length}

\newcommand{\Compass}% define anchors for compass points
{\anchor{north east}{\northeast}
\anchor{south west}{\southwest}
\anchor{north west}{\pgfextracty{\ResUp}{\northeast}\pgfextractx{\ResLeft}{\southwest}\pgfpoint{\ResLeft}{\ResUp}}
\anchor{south east}{\pgfextracty{\ResDown}{\southwest}\pgfextractx{\ResRight}{\northeast}\pgfpoint{\ResRight}{\ResDown}}

% ***************************** ADC *********************************
% extra anchors out,in1,in2,vref


\def\drawADC{% used by both bipole and node

\pgfcircdeclarebipole{}% no extra anchors for bipole version

\tikzset{ADC/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\ADCpath, l_=#1}}

\anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin}    % within the node, (0,0) is the center

\anchor{text}   % this is used to center the text in the node

\savedmacro{\resize}{   % called automatically
  \ResRadius=\ResMiddle% location of in1 and in2
  \advance\ResRadius by \ResLeft
}% while these can be used for savedanchors, they will be fogotten by anchors



\Compass% standard anchors



\draw (0,0) to[ADC,o-*] (2,0);
\node[dADC] (ADC1) at (1,2) {};
\draw (ADC1.in1) -- +(-.5,0) node[left]{in1}
      (ADC1.in2) -- +(-.5,0) node[left]{in2}
      (ADC1.out) -- +(.5,0) node[right]{out}
      (ADC1.vref) -- +(0,-.5) node[below]{vref};
