tcolorbox 中的破坏问题 -- break at -- breakable

tcolorbox 中的破坏问题 -- break at -- breakable

我的 MWE,


\newcommand\B{Correct answer is \textbf{B} choice.}

\newcommand{\kutu}[2]{\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,breakable,title after break=,height fixed for=none,left=0mm,right=0mm,bottom=0mm,top=0mm,colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,enforce breakable,pad at break=1mm,break at=5cm/0cm]


\kutu{A circuit element whose electrical characteristic is primarily resistive is called a resistor and is represented by the symbol shown in Fig. 2.1a. A resistor is a physical device that can be purchased in certain standard values in an electronic parts store. These resistors, which find use in a variety of electrical applications, are normally carbon composition or wire- wound. In addition, resistors can be fabricated using thick oxide or thin metal films for use in hybrid circuits, or they can be diffused in semiconductor integrated circuits. Some typical discrete resistors are shown in Fig. 2.1b. 5$:$1As the resistance is decreased and becomes smaller and smaller, we finally reach a point where the resistance is zero and the circuit is reduced to that shown in Fig. 2.3b; that is, the resistance can be replaced by a short circuit. On the other hand, if the resistance is increased and becomes larger and  arger, we finally reach a point where it is essentially infinite and the resistance can be replaced by an open circuit, as shown in Fig. 2.3c. Note that  n the case of a short circuit where \equat{V_{Ç}=V_G \cdot \frac{1}{5}=\frac{250}{5}=50\;V\!olt\nonumber}\\ \equat{V_D=V_{Ç} \cdot \sqrt{2}=50\sqrt{2}=70{,}71\;V\!olt\nonumber}}{\B}



在此处输入图片描述-> 左侧有大空间

在此处输入图片描述在此处输入图片描述-> 它可以稍微向上



@Thomas F. Sturm,你的代码正在我的电脑上显示,



首先,需要强调的是,环境tcolorbox内部没有自动可中断性multicols。只有使用break at选项插入手动断点的可能性。这也意味着,如果在这样的框之前插入新材料,则必须手动重新调整这些断点。我打算将此功能用于短multicols环境。如果使用了许多页材料(如屏幕截图所示),则需要进行大量手动调整。

要插入这些手动断点,必须使用选项break at。以下是手册中的相关段落:


现在,您的 MWE 使用:

break at=5cm/0cm



对于此 MWE,人们将尝试通过测试适当的长度值来手动平衡列。这里,以下内容看起来不错:

break at=8cm



\newcommand\B{Correct answer is \textbf{B} choice.}

\newcommand{\kutu}[2]{\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
title after break=,
%enforce breakable,% <-- never use this
break at=8cm,
pad at break=1mm,


\kutu{A circuit element whose electrical characteristic is primarily resistive
is called a resistor and is represented by the symbol shown in Fig. 2.1a. A
resistor is a physical device that can be purchased in certain standard values
in an electronic parts store. These resistors, which find use in a variety of
electrical applications, are normally carbon composition or wire- wound. In
addition, resistors can be fabricated using thick oxide or thin metal films for
use in hybrid circuits, or they can be diffused in semiconductor integrated
circuits. Some typical discrete resistors are shown in Fig. 2.1b. 5$:$1As the
resistance is decreased and becomes smaller and smaller, we finally reach a
point where the resistance is zero and the circuit is reduced to that shown in
Fig. 2.3b; that is, the resistance can be replaced by a short circuit. On the
other hand, if the resistance is increased and becomes larger and arger, we
finally reach a point where it is essentially infinite and the resistance can be
replaced by an open circuit, as shown in Fig.~2.3c. Note that n the case of a
short circuit where \equat{V_{C}=V_G \cdot
\frac{1}{5}=\frac{250}{5}=50\;V\!olt\nonumber}\\ \equat{V_D=V_{C} \cdot




height fixed for=all



\newcommand\B{Correct answer is \textbf{B} choice.}

\newcommand{\kutu}[2]{\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
title after break=,
%enforce breakable,% <-- never use this
break at=8cm,
height fixed for=all,
pad at break=1mm,


\kutu{A circuit element whose electrical characteristic is primarily resistive
is called a resistor and is represented by the symbol shown in Fig. 2.1a. A
resistor is a physical device that can be purchased in certain standard values
in an electronic parts store. These resistors, which find use in a variety of
electrical applications, are normally carbon composition or wire- wound. In
addition, resistors can be fabricated using thick oxide or thin metal films for
use in hybrid circuits, or they can be diffused in semiconductor integrated
circuits. Some typical discrete resistors are shown in Fig. 2.1b. 5$:$1As the
resistance is decreased and becomes smaller and smaller, we finally reach a
point where the resistance is zero and the circuit is reduced to that shown in
Fig. 2.3b; that is, the resistance can be replaced by a short circuit. On the
other hand, if the resistance is increased and becomes larger and arger, we
finally reach a point where it is essentially infinite and the resistance can be
replaced by an open circuit, as shown in Fig.~2.3c. Note that n the case of a
short circuit where \equat{V_{C}=V_G \cdot
\frac{1}{5}=\frac{250}{5}=50\;V\!olt\nonumber}\\ \equat{V_D=V_{C} \cdot






对我来说,它运行完美(tcolorbox 和 mdframed)。事实上,它在多色环境中无法运行。感谢 @Thomas F. Sturm 和 @Christian Hupfer 的指导。
