我正在使用 a0poster 包制作一张科学海报。我想知道是否有办法让页面顶部一英寸变成纯色,并在其顶部显示标题?
这可以作为 OP 目标的一个可能解决方案。此解决方案通过 tikz 技能定义了两个宏供使用a0poster package
,希望这是 OP 需要的 :-) ,另一个是psection
提出了两种方法。节点样式(方法 1)和宏方法(方法 2)
% method 1
\tikzset{mybox/.style = {draw=purple,fill=cyan, line width=0.2cm,rectangle,
rounded corners, minimum width=\textwidth}
% method 2
\newcommand{\postertitle}[2] % Poster title
\draw [purple,line width=0.2cm,rounded corners=0.2cm,fill=cyan] (-0.5\textwidth,-4)--
\draw (0,1)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{43}
{0}\selectfont {}{#1}};
\draw (0,-2)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{33}
{0}\selectfont {}{#2}};
\newcommand{\psection}[1] % poster section title
\draw [blue,line width=0.2cm, rounded corners=0.2cm] (-7,-1)--(-7,1)--(7,1)--(7,-1)--cycle;
\draw (0,0)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{43}{0}\selectfont {}{#1}};
\postertitle{The Poster Title}{A. Author1 \& B. Author2}
\begin{minipage}{0.3\linewidth} % begin of left column
\psection{Left Column 1}
\psection{Left Column 2}
\psection{Left column 3}
\end{minipage} % end of left column
\begin{minipage}{0.3\linewidth} % begin of center column
\psection{Center Column 1}
\psection{Center Column 2}
\psection{Center Column 3}
\end{minipage} % end of right column
\begin{minipage}{0.3\linewidth} % begin of right column
\psection{Right Column 1}
\psection{Right Column 2}
\psection{Right Column 3}
\end{minipage} % end of right column