





% ------------- comment this at the first run -------------


\title{Sample document for endnotes}
\author[1,]{Junli Liu}
\author[2]{James Rowe}
\author[2]{Keith Lindsey}
\affil[1]{Integrative Cell Biology Laboratory, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, The Bio physical Sciences Institute, Durham University, Durham, UK}

\noindent Patterning\endnote{note1} in Arabidopsis root development
is coordinated via a localized auxin concentration maximum in the
root tip (Sabatini et al., 1999), requiring the regulated expression
of speciÞc genes. This auxin gradient has been hypothesized to be sink-driven (Friml et al., 2002) and com- putational modeling suggests that auxin efßux carrier activity may be sufÞcient to generate the gradient in the absence of auxin biosynthesis in the root (Grieneisen et al., 2007; Wabnik et al., 2010). However, other experimental studies show that local auxin biosynthesis modulates gradient- directed planar polarity in Arabidopsis, and a local source of auxin biosynthesis contributes to auxin gradient homeostasis (Ikeda et al., 2009). Thus genetic studies show that auxin biosynthesis (Ikeda et al., 2009; Normanly, 2010; Zhao, 2010), the AUX1/LAX inßux carriers (Swarup et al., 2005, 2008; Jones et al., 2008; Krupinski and Jonsson, 2010), and the PIN auxin efux carri- ers (Petr‡sek et al., 2006; Grieneisen et al., 2007; Krupinski and Jonsson, 2010; Mironova et al., 2010) all play important roles in the formation of auxin gradients. In addition, experimental evidence shows that, in root devel- opment, hormones and the associated regulatory and target genes form a network, in which relevant genes regulate hormone activ- ities and hormones regulate gene expression. For example, ethy- lene promotes auxin ßux in the root, in a process dependent on the POLARIS (PLS) peptide (Ruzicka et al., 2007; Swarup et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2010a). Furthermore, PIN levels are positively reg- ulated by ethylene and auxin in Arabidopsis roots (Ruzicka et al., 2007). Interestingly, cytokinin can negatively regulate PIN lev- els (Ruzicka et al., 2009), while repressing auxin biosynthesis and promoting ethylene responses (Nordstrom et al., 2004; Chandler, 2009; Liu et al., 2010a). Cytokinin also has the capacity to mod- ulate auxin transport, by transcriptional regulation of the PIN genes (Ruzicka et al., 2009).

\caption{The sample caption\label{fig:1}}
\end{figure}\endnote{figure endnote}

我当前的输出和所需的输出如下所述: 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述








%  Here begins a section of endnote code that's really different from
% the footnote code of LaTeX.


\newif\if@enotesopen \global\@enotesopenfalse


%  The stuff with \next and \meaning is a trick from the TeXbook, 382,
% there intended for setting verbatim text, but here used to avoid
% macro expansion when the footnote text is written.  \next will have
% the entire text of the footnote as one long line, which might well
% overflow limits on output line length; the business with \newlinechar
% makes every space become a newline in the \@enotes file, so that all
% of the lines wind up being quite short.

     \if@enotesopen \else \@openenotes \fi

% \addtoendnotes works the way the other endnote macros probably should
% have, requiring the use of \protect for fragile commands.

     \if@enotesopen \else \@openenotes \fi

%  End of unique endnote code


      \c@endnote #1\relax


     \@ifnextchar [\@xendnotenext

\def\@xendnotenext[#1]{\begingroup \c@endnote=#1\relax
   \xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}\endgroup \@endnotetext}


%  \theendnotes actually prints out the endnotes.

%  The user may want separate endnotes for each chapter, or a big
% block of them at the end of the whole document.  As it stands,
% either will work; you just say \theendnotes wherever you want the
% endnotes so far to be inserted.  However, you must add
% \setcounter{endnote}{0} after that if you want subsequent endnotes
% to start numbering at 1 again.

%  \enoteformat is provided so user can specify some special formatting
% for the endnotes.  It needs to set up the paragraph parameters, start
% the paragraph, and print the label.  The \mbox stuff in \enoteheading
% is to make and undo a dummy paragraph, to get around the games \section*
% plays with paragraph indenting and instead give us uniform
% indenting for all notes.


\def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=1.8em


\def\theendnotes{\immediate\closeout\@enotes \global\@enotesopenfalse
    % The machinery with \@ResetGT and > here ensures that
    % \@doanenote works properly even if > is an active character
    % at the point where \theendnotes is invoked. > needs to have
    % catcode 12 when the arguments of \@doanenote are scanned, so
    % that the > in the string "macro:->" is matched.  The actual
    % footnote text is not an argument to \@doanenote, but just
    % follows it in the .ent file; so \@ResetGT can reset the
    % category code for > that should be used when processing
    % that text.  That resetting takes place within a
    % \begingroup-\endgroup block set up by \@doanenote and
    % \@endanenote, so the catcode for > is back to 12 for the
    % next note.
    \edef\@tempa{`\string >}%
        \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@endnote\endcsname\@theenmark}%


%%% hyperendnotes.sty started
% Redefining portions of endnotes-package:
\smallskip %<-small vertical gap between endnotes
\edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@endnote\endcsname\@theenmark}%
% Redefine, how numbers are formatted in the endnotes-section:
% header of endnotes-section
% font-size of endnotes
% stop redefining portions of endnotes-package:
% Toggle switch in order to turn on/off back-links in the
% endnote-section:



%\EndNotestrue Un-comment out to have the endnotes





%\queriesoff Un-comment out to suppress the end notes

