我需要将其转换为单列表。有人能告诉我如何相应地修改 latex 代码吗?
\begin{tabular}{| p{12cm} |}
\textbf{Glossary of Variables}\\
S -- Source \\
D -- Destination \\
我面临的问题是术语太多,表格跨度达多页。因此我需要使用 xtabular 包。希望这能解答我之前的问题。
\usepackage[textheight=10cm]{geometry} %% just for this example.
%\topcaption{This is top caption}
%\bottomcaption{This is bottom caption}
%\tablecaption{this is table caption}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Glossary of Variables} \\
{{\bfseries Continued from previous page}} \\
Variable&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Description}\\ \midrule}
\midrule \multicolumn{2}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \midrule}
\multicolumn{2}{r}{{Concluded}} \\ \bottomrule}
\begin{xtabular}{>{\raggedleft$}p{1.5cm}<{$}>{-- \hangindent2em\hangafter1}p{\dimexpr\linewidth-1.5cm-3\tabcolsep\relax}@{}}
S & some text some text some text some text some text some text some text some
text some text some text some text some text some text some text\\
c & some text\\
d & some text\\
f & some text\\
g & some text\\
S & some text\\
c & some text\\
d & some text\\
f & some text\\
g & some text\\
S & some text\\
c & some text\\
d & some text\\
f & some text comes\\
g & some text\\
S & some text\\
c & some text\\
d & some text\\
f & some text\\
g & some text\\
S & some text\\
c & some text\\
d & some text\\
f & some text\\
g & some text\\
S & some text comes here too \\
c & some text\\
d & some text\\
f & some text\\
g & some text
\usepackage[textheight=10cm]{geometry} %% just for this example.
\newcommand*{\variable}[1]{\makebox[2em][l]{$#1$ \hfill --}}
%\topcaption{This is top caption}
%\bottomcaption{This is bottom caption}
%\tablecaption{this is table caption}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Glossary of Variables} \\
{{\bfseries Continued from previous page}} \\
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Description}\\ \midrule}
\midrule \multicolumn{1}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \midrule}
\multicolumn{1}{r}{{Concluded}} \\ \bottomrule}
\variable{S} some text some text some text some text some text some text some text some
text some text some text some text some text some text some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text comes\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text comes here too \\
\variable{D} some text\\
\variable{c} some text\\
\variable{D} some text