使用 \singlespacing 与 \doublespacing 文本编写简洁的方程参数定义

使用 \singlespacing 与 \doublespacing 文本编写简洁的方程参数定义


我希望使用 来定义参数,\singlespacing就像我目前用于\doublespacing论文间距一样。建议的conditionsconditions*环境都非常有用,我也尝试调整 来conditions*反映no break after where:我希望实现的变体。

\singlespacing按照我的做法进行定义会导致conditions出现不必要的缩进和missing \endgroup inserted错误,尽管从视觉上看它是可行的


以下是我所做的所有修改后的 MWE:



  {\singlespace#1 \begin{tabular}[t]{>{$}l<{$} @{${}:{}$} l}}

  {#1 \begin{tabular}[t]{>{$}l<{$} @{}>{${}}c<{{}$}@{} l}}


An equation just to start
 P     &  notional permeability factor \\
 N     &  number of waves \\
 S_{d} &  damage level
Some text after the equation.

Another equation with symbols

 P     & :       &  notional permeability factor \\
 N     & \sim    &  number of waves \\
 S_{d} & \propto & damage level
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.






   \linespread{1}\selectfont #1 \begin{tabular}[t]{>{$}l<{$} @{${}:{}$} l}}

   \linespread{1}\selectfont #1 \begin{tabular}[t]{>{$}l<{$} @{}>{${}}c<{{}$}@{} l}}



An equation just to start
An equation just to start
An equation just to start
An equation just to start
 P     &  notional permeability factor \\
 N     &  number of waves \\
 S_{d} &  damage level
Some text after the equation.
Some text after the equation.
Some text after the equation.
Some text after the equation.
Some text after the equation.
Some text after the equation.
Some text after the equation.

Another equation with symbols
Another equation with symbols
Another equation with symbols
Another equation with symbols
Another equation with symbols
Another equation with symbols
 P     & :       &  notional permeability factor \\
 N     & \sim    &  number of waves \\
 S_{d} & \propto & damage level
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.
and so this is where we continue with some more text after the equation.



