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From the Egyptian pyramids to modern architecture, points, lines and angles
are everywhere. $a^\circ$ Geometry is a $\alpha + \beta$ very visual element of mathematics where the
designs of buildings and the orbits of planets can be studied using basic
objects like points, lines and circles.
\thead{Variabili} & \thead{Descrizione} \\
\thead{$\alpha + \beta$} & \thead{$a+b$}\\
gdp\_us & GDP USA trimestrale nominale (dal Q1 1947 al Q4 2013), fonte: FRED2\\
Thales (624--546~BCE) is known to be the founder of Greek geometry. He was
an astronomer and $a^\circ$ philosopher, and $\alpha + \beta$ records show he was the first person to
use mathematical geometry to calculate the height of an Egyptian pyramid
using the Sun's rays and to accurately predict the timing of a solar