在段落中间(文本对齐),我有一个 5 行矩阵。我一直在尝试找到一种方法来将段落中的文本环绕在矩阵周围,这样该行文本的上方和下方就不会出现较大的间隙。我听说过 wrapfig 包,但还没有设法让它工作。下面是一个类似于我目前的代码的示例(在发现我可以使用 \begin{wraptable} 后,我从使用数组环境切换到表格环境):
`This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. $L = \left[ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
$F_1$&$F_2$&$\cdots$&$F_{d-1}$&$F_d$ \\
$P_1$&$0$&$\cdots$&$0$&$0$ \\
$0$&$P_2$&$0$&$\cdots$&$0$ \\
$\vdots$&$\ddots$&$\ddots$&$\ddots$&$\vdots$ \\
\end{tabular} \right].$ This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$.`
从 wrapfig
This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which
\raggedleft $L = \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc}
F_1 & F_2 & \cdots & F_{d-1} & F_d \\
P_1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\
0 & P_2 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\
\vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & \cdots & 0 & P_{d-1} & 0
\end{array} \right].$
I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$. This is a paragraph containing random text which I want to wrap around the matrix $L$.
and环境不会完全满足您的要求。它们的构建目的是将图形或表格(或任何其他浮点类型)推入或推入边距。如下所示,两个必需参数表示边距(eft 或ight)和框的宽度(此处为矩阵的宽度)。wrapfigure
$L = \left[ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
$F_1$&$F_2$&$\cdots$&$F_{d-1}$&$F_d$ \\
$P_1$&$0$&$\cdots$&$0$&$0$ \\
$0$&$P_2$&$0$&$\cdots$&$0$ \\
$\vdots$&$\ddots$&$\ddots$&$\ddots$&$\vdots$ \\
\end{tabular} \right]$
\caption{The Matrix called $L$.}
The aforementioned Matrix $L$ is shown in figure \ref{matrix}.