koma-classes:DIV 为 14.0pt 且使用的 papersize 未定义

koma-classes:DIV 为 14.0pt 且使用的 papersize 未定义

当我使用 14pt 的 KOMA-script 文章类时收到以下警告:

Package typearea Warning: DIV for 14.0pt and used papersize
(typearea)                not defined!
(typearea)                Using DIV=1.



\documentclass [fontsize=14pt] {scrartcl}


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只需让它计算一个 DIV 值并告诉它一个纸张大小:

\documentclass [fontsize=14pt, paper=a4, pagesize, DIV=calc] {scrartcl}


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features are listed below, to help you get started. If you have a question,
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