如何在 pgfplots 中绘制两个相互叠加的折线图

如何在 pgfplots 中绘制两个相互叠加的折线图





\documentclass[reprint, amsmath,amssymb, aps,]{revtex4-1}

\usepackage{pgfplots}% Make nice looking plot
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}% The default is really old: let's use newer settings


    \begin{figure}[h]% CaCO3 (Aragonite)
        \begin{axis}[title = CaCO$_3$ (Aragonite),
        xlabel = Raman shifts\,/\,cm$\text{}^{-1}$,
        xmax = 2050,
        xmin = 200,
        ylabel = Intensity Counts,
        ymax = 6000,
        ymin = 0]

        \addplot[black, % Plotting the data
        no marks]
        table[x=xram,y=yram] {RamanData_Aragonite.dat} ;
        \caption{Caption goes here}

    \begin{figure}[h]% Solid CaCO3
        \begin{axis}[title = CaCO$_3$ (Solid),
        xlabel = Raman shifts\,/\,cm$\text{}^{-1}$,
        xmax = 2050,
        xmin = 200,
        ylabel = Intensity Counts,
        ymax = 60000,
        ymin = 0]

        \addplot[black, % Plotting the data
        no marks]
        table[x=xram,y=yram] {RamanData_CaCO3_Solid.dat} ;
        \caption{Caption goes here}

    \begin{figure}[h]% CaCO3
        \begin{axis}[title = CaCO$_3$,
        xlabel = Raman shifts\,/\,cm$\text{}^{-1}$,
        xmax = 2050,
        xmin = 200,
        ylabel = Intensity Counts,
        ymax = 15000,
        ymin = 0]

        \addplot[black, % Plotting the data
        no marks]
        table[x=xram,y=yram] {RamanData_CaCO3.dat} ;
        \caption{Caption goes here}




\usepackage{pgfplots}% Make nice looking plot
\pgfplotsset{compat = 1.11}% The default is really old: let's use newer settings
    \begin{figure}[h]% CaCO3 (Aragonite)
        \begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=1 by 2,
            horizontal sep=0pt,
            vertical sep=1cm},
          axis x line=none,
          axis y line=left,
          title = CaCO$_3$ (Solid),
          %xlabel = Raman shifts\,/\,cm$\text{}^{-1}$,
          xmax = 2050,
          xmin = 200,
          ylabel = Intensity Counts,
          ymax = 6000,
          ymin = 0
        \addplot[black, % Plotting the data
            no marks] {rand};
        %table[x=xram,y=yram] {RamanData_Aragonite.dat} ;

            axis x line=bottom,
            axis y line=left,
            title = CaCO$_3$ (Aragonite),
            xlabel = Raman shifts\,/\,cm$\text{}^{-1}$,
            xmax = 2050,
            xmin = 200,
            ylabel = Intensity Counts second,
            ymax = 6000,
            ymin = 0
        \addplot[black, % Plotting the data
            no marks] {rand};
            %table[x=xram,y=yram] {RamanData_CaCO3_Solid.dat} ;
        \caption{Caption goes here}


