

我已经使用自己的自定义LaTeX Class file以及如何将新的oddside和边距更改为。我无法使用选项,因为更多的开发是我自己使用的。我试过了evensidepageEnd of the document\newgeometryLaTeX class file单双号差价如果则否则奇数页/偶数页但无法满足我的要求。

我的要求是如果oddpage需要给予\leftskip50pt or \leftmargin50pt和如果evenpage需要给予\leftskip10pt or \leftmargin10pt。我使用的XeLaTeX包是tikz,等pgztcolorbox

我的 MWE 是:


    minipage boxed title*=-6mm,
    title={\captionsetup{skip=0pt}\captionof{figure}    {#3}},
    attach boxed title to bottom center,
    boxed title style={enhanced,size=title,sharp corners,
      boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,colback=green!50!black!    25},


    beforeafter skip=5pt,
    sidebyside,sidebyside gap=5mm,
    sidebyside align=top,
    righthand width=\wd\mysavebox,]%
  \raisebox{\the\dimexpr-\ht\mysavebox-\dp\mysavebox+\baselineskip/2\relax}    {\usebox{\mysavebox}}%


    {The Roman numerals on this stone show the distance     to the next village.}}
Throughout the ages and in different countries, number     systems were developed
and used to help people count and communicate with     numbers. From the ancient
Egyptians to the modern day, different systems have     used pictures and symbols to
represent whole numbers. Some of the well-known     number systems are the Egyptian,
Babylonian, Roman, modern Chinese and the Hindu-    Arabic or decimal system.



