


我能看到的第一个问题是它\caption有一个不同的定义,取决于(至少)是否{caption}使用了包,或者只是普通的 Latex:

$ texdef -t latex \@caption

\long macro:#1[#2]#3->\par \addcontentsline {\csname ext@#1\endcsname }{#1}{\protect \numberline {\csname the#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup \@parboxrestore \if@minipage \@setminipage \fi \normalsize \@makecaption {\csname fnum@#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces #3}\par \endgroup 

$ texdef -t latex -p caption \@caption

\long macro:#1[#2]#3->\ifcaption@star \else \caption@prepareanchor {#1}{#2}\memcaptioninfo {#1}{\csname the#1\endcsname }{#2}{#3}\@nameuse {nag@hascaptiontrue}\fi \par \caption@beginex {#1}{#2}{#3}\caption@setfloatcapt {\caption@boxrestore \if@minipage \@setminipage \fi \caption@normalsize \ifcaption@star \let \caption@makeanchor \@firstofone \fi \@makecaption {\csname fnum@#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces \caption@makeanchor {#3}}\par \caption@if@minipage \@minipagetrue \@minipagefalse }\caption@end 


% modified from: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44427/rotate-picture-with-caption



        Here is a caption of the figure which is so long that
        it has to be wrapped over multiple lines, but should
        not exceed the width (height after the rotation) of the image.
        \typeout{\string\caption@@make is undefined, prob. not using \{caption\}}%
        \typeout{\string\caption@@make is defined, prob. using \{caption\}}%
        \typeout{\string\caption@box is: \meaning\caption@box}%
      \typeout{\string\@makecaption is: \meaning\@makecaption}%


我基本上希望通过阅读的定义\caption,找到一个排版标题的框,并测量其宽度/高度/深度;但不幸的是,这取决于是否加载{caption},以及标题的样式(例如,使用什么大小的字体) - 并且在排版标题后它仍然是信息。

顺便说一下,MWE 输出以下内容:



\caption@@make is defined, prob. using \{caption\}
\caption@box is: macro:->\ifx \@captype \@undefined \@latex@error {\noexpand \caption outside float}\@ehd \expandafter \@gobble \else \refstepcounter \@captype \expandafter \@firstofone \fi {\@dblarg {\@caption \@captype }}@box
\@makecaption is: macro:->\spacefactor \@m makecaption


所以我的问题是 - 如何从 MWE 获取图像上旋转标题的大小,以便我可以使用它进行计算(例如,旋转图像的高度=原始图像的宽度)?



  • 我们可以使用\savebox预先将标题排版到框中;但是:
    • \caption\savebox)必须位于 内{figure};并且:
    • 必须有一个\parbox{minipage}包装\caption在里面\savebox- 否则不会应用换行

事实证明,需要使用某种换行符( \break\linebreak或)来将 定位在图像下方,就像正常情况一样 - 否则,由于某种原因,它会粘在图像的右侧。以下 MWE 结果具有此输出(单击可查看完整分辨率):\\\newline\usebox\caption



第二幅图使用\savebox{ \parbox{ ... \caption...\break \usebox{...,只是为了确认它相对于第一幅图是否正确。一般来说是正确的,除了标题有点偏离,我用红色虚线(放置在gimp)来表示。

第三个图是预先计算标题的大小,并用它来调整图像大小(新高度 = 原始高度 - 标题高度的一半)。现在这里有一些技巧,需要小心:

  • addcode=实际上\adjustbox由两部分组成;代码前(或precode=)和代码后(或appcode=);我在用空格标记的地方标明了 - 对于最后一个图,我明确使用了precode=appcode=
  • 有了这个,人们可能会认为最终的构造将是这样的:

    from \adjustbox:precode -> \begin{minipage}{\width}
    inside -> \includegraphics{...}
    from \adjustbox:appcode -> \end{minipage}

    ...这通常是正确的 - 除了在执行方面,“内部”的代码首先执行,甚至在之前precode=!它是:

    inside -> \includegraphics{...}
    from \adjustbox:precode -> \begin{minipage}{\width}
    from \adjustbox:appcode -> \end{minipage}
  • 类似地,该\width参数仅存在于 pre/appcode 中 - 不存在于“内部”代码中

  • 因此,即使你可以在预编码中,并在应用程序代码中\savebox使用它 - 也没关系,到那时图像已经排版,并且其大小已固定 - 所以我们无法根据这些点的标题大小修改其大小\caption\usebox

因此,唯一的解决方案是预先知道/设置图像的至少一个维度 - 此处为宽度(未旋转),该维度由图像和标题共享(无论如何都需要它来打破文本行)。如果人们接受这是不可避免的,那么人们可以:

  • 将 排版\caption在 中\savebox,在 内{figure},但在{adjustbox}之前
  • 然后,在“内部”代码中,当\includegraphics排版时,保存的框和它的先验尺寸都是已知的 - 因此可以及时计算出修改后的尺寸;
  • 最后,\usebox可以在这里 - 或者像下面的 MWE 一样,在的appcode=\adjustboxprecode\adjustbox需要打开\begin{minipage}{\width}

MWE 代码:

% modified from: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44427/rotate-picture-with-caption


\usepackage{lua-visual-debug} % compile with lualatex test.tex, for visual indication of margins

% "The text in a \savebox is typeset all on one line. You need to use a \parbox inside \savebox."
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/194811/how-to-measure-the-height-and-width-of-several-lines-paragraph
% "'Missing \endgroup inserted' errors - a horizontal (LR) box which can not directly contain vertical (par) mode display material, you need a minipage to get into vertical mode"
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/74896/using-align-within-savebox

% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/60491/latex-tracing
\def\tracingboxes{\showboxbreadth = \maxdimen
  \showboxdepth = \maxdimen}%
% must have \tracingboxes here before \tracingoutput,
% else nothing will be printed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit,
vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum ...

  \begin{adjustbox}{addcode={\begin{minipage}{\width}} {%
        Here is a caption of the figure which is so long that
        it has to be wrapped over multiple lines, but should
        not exceed the width (height after the rotation) of the image.

  \newsavebox{\boxcapt}% is allocated (though not set) globally now, http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/7134/making-register-declarations-local-undef
  \begin{adjustbox}{addcode={\begin{minipage}{\width}} {%
          Here is a caption of the figure which is so long that
          it has to be wrapped over multiple lines, but should
          not exceed the width (height after the rotation) of the image.
      }% %end \parbox%
      }% %end \savebox%
      \typeout{boxcapt:  wd is: \the\wd\boxcapt, ht is: \the\ht\boxcapt, dp is: \the\dp\boxcapt}%
      %\break\fbox{\usebox{\boxcapt}}% fbox will mess up spacing
      \break% same w/ \linebreak, \\ or \newline

Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel, wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at, lobortis vitae, ...

% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/45396/is-it-possible-to-remove-length-counter-dim-etc-that-have-been-declared
% No, it's not possible: \newlength allocates a register and this allocation is permanent. If you do the \newlength inside a group, you'll lose the register name at group end, but the register will not be reusable.

% %%%%%%%%%%%%% nowork like this: %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{figure}[!h]
%   \begin{adjustbox}{addcode={\begin{minipage}{\width}%
%       \savebox{\boxcapt}{%
%       \parbox{\width}{%
%         \caption{%
%           Here is a caption of the figure which is so long that
%           it has to be wrapped over multiple lines, but should
%           not exceed the width (height after the rotation) of the image.
%         }%
%       }% %end \parbox%
%       }% %end \savebox%
%       \setlength{\skip0}{\ht\boxcapt}%
%       \global\setlength{\skip1}{\ht\boxcapt}% nope
%       \global\skip1=\skip0% nope
%       \global\setlength{\globimw}{\ht\boxcapt}% nope
%       \global\globimw=\globimw%
%       \typeout{boxcapt in:  wd is: \the\wd\boxcapt, ht is: \the\ht\boxcapt, dp is: \the\dp\boxcapt ; skip0: \the\skip0; skip1: \the\skip1; glp: \the\globimw}% ok here! but runs after boxcapt out?
%   } {% addcode= code after:
%       \break% same w/ \linebreak, \\ or \newline
%       \usebox{\boxcapt}%
%       \end{minipage}},rotate=90,center}
%     % use temp "scratch" register to calculate new height (rotated: width) of image, to its original height minus half height of caption
%       \typeout{boxcapt out:  wd is: \the\wd\boxcapt, ht is: \the\ht\boxcapt, dp is: \the\dp\boxcapt ; skip0: \the\skip0; skip1: \the\skip1; glp: \the\globimw}% all are zeroes!
%     \setlength{\skip0}{\dimexpr 0.3\textwidth-\expandafter\ht\boxcapt}
%     \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=\skip0]{demo}%
%   \end{adjustbox}
% \end{figure}

  \global\globimw=\globimw% % must have, to propagate
  \parbox{\globimw}{% \width here is undefined (\adjustbox is below)
      Here is a caption of the figure which is so long that
      it has to be wrapped over multiple lines, but should
      not exceed the width (height after the rotation) of the image.
  }% %end \parbox%
  }% %end \savebox%
    appcode={% addcode= code after:
      \typeout{boxcapt out:  wd is: \the\wd\boxcapt, ht is: \the\ht\boxcapt, dp is: \the\dp\boxcapt ; skip1: \the\skip1; skip3: \the\skip3; glw,h: \the\globimw, \the\globimh; tw \the\textwidth}% all are here
      \break% same w/ \linebreak, \\ or \newline
      \usebox{\boxcapt}% place the caption, finally
      \vspace{\skip3}% this just to push everything "up" (i.e. left in rotated perspective), so "top" (left) edge of this figure aligns with the others - since \adjustbox does the rotation centered.
  }% %closing of \begin{adjustbox}%
    %\includegraphics[width=\globimw,height=\globimh]{demo}% ok
    %\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.3\textwidth]{demo}% ok
    % use temp "scratch" register to calculate new height (rotated: width) of image, to its original height minus half height of caption
    % skip1, 3 should be \global % http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/29950/is-there-a-way-of-limiting-the-scope-of-newlength
    %\typeout{\width} % \width ! Undefined control sequence.
    \setlength{\skip3}{\dimexpr 0.5\dimexpr(\ht\boxcapt+\dp\boxcapt)}%
    \setlength{\skip1}{\dimexpr 0.3\textwidth-\skip3}%
    \global\skip1=\skip1% w. \global keeps val until next step
    \typeout{boxcapt inside:  wd is: \the\wd\boxcapt, ht is: \the\ht\boxcapt, dp is: \the\dp\boxcapt ; skip1: \the\skip1; skip3: \the\skip3; glw: \the\globimw}% boxcapt is now known

