我从以下位置获取了存储库转储github博士硕士(我必须承认 Yiannis 所做的工作令人印象深刻)我正在重新阅读我的自出版草稿 - 并且我已经看过他的作品。试图复制他在包中的一种风格,看看它是如何工作的。在他的文件 style06 tex 中有这样的内容:
通过阅读他的测试样本,我推断出以下内容,这是我的代码,我很高兴并感谢这里的帮助 - 这仅用于练习,一旦我掌握了它,我将在以后更改设计,颜色和字体
我修改了代码 - 现在可以工作了 - 我想听听你对如何改进它的意见。这是我用来编译的
\chapter{An Inevitable Introduction}
\expandafter\epigraph{I believe.}{08/26/19986}
\lettrine{\textcolor{orange} {N}}{}ow, I understand some of the mystery hidden from me, and mastered the craft of eavesdropping on the senses. I know it will not help much, but it is better than believing that life is fruitless and that the luck is the master. All things in this world are balanced and in their places, even those calamities, evils, and the coincidences are ordered alphabetically and preplanned!
The world has its own secret, and things disclose about its holiness and it is full of insinuations and passwords that cached in all what we see; but we do not see and we do not understand too. Perhaps we were affected by our humanity then we could not able be as the world wants us to be, to see in every peccadillo a sign to the special kingdom.
Oh! How stupid we are when we claim acumen and knowledge! We do not know anything about ourselves, we do not know about life except what we want to delude ourselves that we know. We quarrel with the truth as if it is our eternal enemy and devil holds all the contradictions. How naïve we are when we always ask about life and its secret as if we just created to solve the puzzles! Only now I know that life is easy and complex just like pants' zipper.
According to the experts: "As much as Man grows up as much as he revealed the truth of things obviously, and as much as he learns something new as much as he gets closer from the fact. Every day Man matures and his ideas and vision of the world mature too. That is the philosophy of the Supreme entities, and the secret of our research and endless questions." I say: "As much as Man grows up as much as he further away from the truth, and as much as he learns something new as much as he gets less knowledge. And as much as he matures as much as he becomes more stupid and naive!"
这是 style 06 修改后的模板
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title spaceout=soul,
\chapter{Crimson Moon}
\lettrine{\textcolor{orange}{O}}{}nce upon an incendiary sand, this wind was playing with a climate known by nomads as harsh, inhabited by dusty fever and familiar to the cold-blooded snakes and invertebrates. This wind was two-sands away or whistling from an immemorial mirage which landed on the wing of a mythical bird that beaten the legends then flew in a red sky forever. Its blood -which was the only sign of optimism, was sunken in an inch of water, its saliva -which had spilt for the first time when it saw me- It saw me again and did not spill. There is no way to bet, the wound is sinking in the cactus thorn, and in the scales of lizards that adept at deception. The mirage is a birthmark of the Western desert, and its only point of weakness.\medskip
\caption{I am}
A mirage
The beautiful Mirage re-emerge (here i want to have a box like conversation between two people) ,
Over the full song, the singer kept following the musical scale, but he suddenly fell at the edge of the river when frogs' disturbing sounds escalated. Let us return to the desert where the wind is a single queen of people who love the heat, even those nomads who were afraid of the wind's wrath when it spit sand on their faces and when horses find their way to flee. Oh fair Queen! Some of your people still suffering from headaches and dryness, and there is no refuge from you except these cracks. I love you because you're the only one who can cheat me and I do not dare to speak! I love you because I love to sleep! I love you because you are who I scared and I love her approaching! I love you because we are ancient in the slavery convoy heading north where this wound is an abandoned direction and deniable niche. Nomads worship the wind in secret, and bury oblations under the sands of this desert.
一个可行的答案,但在发布工作示例之前,为了使它工作,你必须从他的github代码必须经过编译。有关如何安装 phd 包的说明可在他的 Github 上找到(一个漂亮的包 - 有缺陷但仍然很棒)安装:解压文件,然后在终端(linux 和 OS X)或 cmd(windows)上
pdflatex phd.dtx
makeindex -s gind.ist -g phd
我使用了包中提供的 style06 模板。我修改后的模板也在上面。我不确定如何生成 MWE,因为它需要安装 phd 包 \usepackage{phd} ,因此不是每个人都有 Yiannis 的 phd 包Github style06 不变 最小。因此你将需要来自github如果你有兴趣。我制作的 mwe 代码如下,phd 包在 github 上,但如果你安装了该包,代码就可以工作。