


  1. 我想定义页边距以用于\marginpar注释和评论。问题是,虽然我使用带有 twoside 选项的 memoir,但奇数页外边距和偶数页外边距不同。我希望奇数页和偶数页的外边距完全相同(例如,外边距为 6 厘米,内边距为 2 厘米)。

  2. 我想扩展页眉和页脚以包含外边距(marginsep 和 marginwidth)。据我了解,可以使用页面样式来完成此操作companion,但我更喜欢默认章节样式(即其字体、样式、形状、无规则等)。我如何修改章节页面样式以使页眉和页脚延伸到边距区域?顺便说一句:我确实尝试headwidth通过使用companion回忆录手册中的样式定义进行修改。但我没有成功:




这是 MWE。我尝试将其缩短一点。


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\renewcommand\marginpar[1]{\-\oldmarginpar[\footnotesize #1]%
{\raggedright\footnotesize #1}}

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\chapter{Chapter 1}

\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[7]\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\section{Section 1}




我用的是几何学正确设置边距大小(6 个外边距,2 个内边距)。记住\headwidth必须几何边距定义。正如达莱夫使用回忆录同伴风格会更加简单和干净。如果您希望第一章页面具有相同的样式,只需\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{companion}在 \pagestyle 后添加即可。Adobe Acrobat 中的屏幕截图:回忆录伴侣宽标题


%*****************Margins and MarginNotes******************

\usepackage[outer=6cm, inner=2cm, heightrounded, marginparwidth=4cm, marginparsep=1cm]{geometry}

%*******************Header & Footer***********************





\chapter{Chapter 1}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[7]\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\section{Section 1}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}

