基于 APA 的参考书目和引用样式

基于 APA 的参考书目和引用样式

我想将参考书目和引用样式更改为基于 APA 的样式:


网站:Nakamoto,S.(2009)。比特币:点对点电子现金系统。于 2015 年 2 月 16 日提交,http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

口语:Casares,W.(2014)。获得十亿比特币用户,Bitcoin2014大会。如果标题为空,则像 Shrem, C. (2014),Webwinkel Vakdagen。

对于所有三个类别:如果没有给出年份,则用 (zd) 代替年份。

\usepackage{courier, csquotes, babel, url}








\footcite{menger1} \footcite{shrem3} \footcite{guardian3} \footcite{paper1}




\section*{Online artikelen}



main.bib 文件:

  author = {Menger, C.},
  title = {Grunds{\"a}tze der Volkswirtschaftslehre},
  publisher = {Braum{\"u}ller},
  pubcity = {Wenen},
  year = {1982} 

  author = "Shrem, C.",
  title = "",
  month = jan,
  year = "2014",
  howpublished = "Webwinkel Vakdagen"

  author = "Casares, W.",
  title = "Getting to a Billion Bitcoin Users",
  month = may,
  year = "2014",
  howpublished = "Bitcoin2014 congres"

  author = {The Guardian},
  title = {Cyprus banks remain closed to prevent run on deposits},
  url = "http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/26/cyprus-banks-closed-prevent-run-deposits",
  year = "2010",
  urldate = "2014-11-15"

  author = {Nakamoto, S.},
  title = {Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System},
  url = "http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf",
  year = "2009",
  urldate = "2015-02-16"


您正在使用biblatex-apa,自 4.5 版起需要biber。这意味着,您运行biber而不是bibtex(或使用latexmk或者阿拉拉使构建过程自动化)

如果我理解正确的话,您想要关闭sentence case,可以这样做:




现在,当没有给出日期时,会打印“gd”。如果您愿意,可以通过重新定义字符串将其更改为“zd” nodate

    nodate = {z.d.}

您必须修改字符串retrievedfrom获得所访问 URL 的所需结果:

   retrieved = {geraadpleegd op},
   from = {},


author = {{The Guardian}}


\usepackage{csquotes, url}

   nodate = {z.d.},
   retrieved = {geraadpleegd op},
   from = {},





% --- adding the bibliography

     author = {Menger, C.},
     title = {Grunds{\"a}tze der Volkswirtschaftslehre},
     publisher = {Braum{\"u}ller},
     location = {Wenen},
     year = {1982}
     author = "Shrem, C.",
     month = jan,
     year = "2014",
     howpublished = "Webwinkel Vakdagen"

     author = "Casares, W.",
     title = "Getting to a Billion Bitcoin Users",
     month = may,
     year = "2014",
     howpublished = "Bitcoin2014 congres"

     author = {{The Guardian}},
     title = {Cyprus banks remain closed to prevent run on deposits},
     url = "http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/26/cyprus-banks-closed-prevent-run-deposits",
     year = "2010",
     urldate = "2014-11-15"

     author = {Nakamoto, S.},
     title = {Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System},
     url = "http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf",
     year = "2009",
     urldate = "2015-02-16"
   % nodate variants
     author = {Menger, C.},
     title = {Grunds{\"a}tze der Volkswirtschaftslehre},
     publisher = {Braum{\"u}ller},
     location = {Wenen},
     author = "Shrem, C.",
     title = "",
     month = jan,
     howpublished = "Webwinkel Vakdagen"
     author = "Casares, W.",
     title = "Getting to a Billion Bitcoin Users",
     howpublished = "Bitcoin2014 congres"
     author = {{The Guardian}},
     title = {Cyprus banks remain closed to prevent run on deposits},
     url = "http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/26/cyprus-banks-closed-prevent-run-deposits",
     urldate = "2014-11-15"
     author = {Nakamoto, S.},
     title = {Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System},
     url = "http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf",
     urldate = "2015-02-16"



   With year:
   a\footcite{menger1} b\footcite{shrem3} c\footcite{guardian3} d\footcite{paper1} e\footcite{wences1}

   Without year:
   a\footcite{menger1nd} b\footcite{shrem3nd} c\footcite{guardian3nd} d\footcite{paper1nd} e\footcite{wences1nd}



   \section*{Online artikelen}




