将零件标题添加到 LOF

将零件标题添加到 LOF

我想在 LOF 中添加部分和章节。我可以添加章节,但\apptocmd{\@part}除非我发表评论,否则无法添加\titleformat{\part}。为什么?



\usepackage{babel} % I don't know what are active characters and they may interfere with your solution…
\usepackage{fontspec} % I use XeLaTeX

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PARTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


            {\centering\huge} % Before
            {\thispagestyle{empty}\partname\ \thepart}{20pt}{\Huge}
            [] % After
            %[\addtoLOF\currentTitle] % After

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\makeatletter % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/52746/include-chapters-in-list-of-figures-with-titletoc
\apptocmd{\@chapter}{ % before hyperref
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Doesn't work ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\apptocmd{\@part}{ % before hyperref
  \global\togglefalse{isThereAChapter} % There is yet no chapter in this part
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Works ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \global\togglefalse{isThereAChapter} % There is yet no chapter in this part

\AtBeginDocument{ % Is this line useful ?
    \iftoggle{isThereAPart}{ % True
      \iftoggle{isThisPartTitleAlreadyAddedInTheLOF}{}{ % True : nothing to do %%% False : add the part title
        \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\contentsline {part} {\protect\numberline {\thispartnumber} {\thisparttitle}}{}{} }      
    }{} % False
    \iftoggle{isThereAChapter}{ % True
      \iftoggle{isThisChapterTitleAlreadyAddedInTheLOF}{}{ % True : nothing to do %%% False : add the chapter title
        \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\contentsline {chapter} {\protect\numberline {\thischapternumber} {\thischaptertitle}}{}{} }
    }{} % False




\chapter{Introduction with no Figure}

\chapter{Test Chapter with Figures}
  \caption{caption text}
  \caption{caption text}

\chapter{Test Chapter with no Figure}

\chapter{Another Test Chapter with Figures}
  \caption{caption text}
  \caption{caption text}

\part{Part with no figure}

\chapter{Test Chapter with no Figure}

\part{Part with figures but without chapter}

Text. % Necessary to have the part added to the LOF ?!

  \caption{caption text}
  \caption{caption text}







            {\centering\huge} % Before
            {\thispagestyle{empty}\partname\ \thepart}{20pt}{\Huge}
            %[] % After

\part{A part…}

产生以下错误: Undefined control sequence. \parttitle。因此,\part当我 时,修补的命令似乎不再使用\titleformat{\part}。这就是\parttitle未定义的原因。那么\part\titleformat{\part}使用 时我该如何修补?


我发现了一些东西。正如这里所建议的:使用 etoolbox \apptocmd 修补时出现错误:“修补命令似乎嵌套在其他命令的参数中”,则如下工作。




            {\centering\huge} % Before
            {\thispagestyle{empty}\partname\ \thepart}{20pt}{\Huge}
            [] % After


\part{A part…}




我将向图表列表 (LOF) 添加部分和章节。图表列表当然会包含图表,但也包含包装图和背景图像。


\usepackage{fontspec} % I use XeLaTeX

\usepackage{wrapfig} % Wrap images
\usepackage{background} % For background images, and full page images, like on the cover page
\backgroundsetup{pages=some} % To control the display of the background on each page with \BgThispage
\backgroundsetup{contents=} % To remove the default: « draft » — Why ? I already said « some », it should only display on demand ?!
\usepackage[space]{grffile} % To deal with spaces in path of files

1. 独特的图形、包装图形和背景图像环境:插图


— 重复\AtBeginEnvironment{figure}{…}for wrapfigures: \AtBeginEnvironment{wrapfigure}{…}。但是如果我修改了一个的代码,就不能忘记修改另一个。

— 或者为图形和包装图形创建一个独特的环境。



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Unique environment for figures, wrapfigures and background images

  % The first argument: noStar=figure; star=wrapfigure
  % The second argument must be [htbp] (or the like) for a figure, and [narrowLines] for a wrapfigure
  % The following arguments are the usual ones for wrapfigure: {placement}[overhang]{width}
  % — Here I wrote the default values letter « Ô » then « zero point » for the 2 mandatory arguments of wrapfigure
    \IfNoValueTF{#2}{                   % Starred
  }{\IfNoValueTF{#2}{                   % Nonstarred
      \begin{figure} }{
    \end{wrapfigure}                    % Starred
  }{\end{figure}}                       % Nonstarred
% Usage:
% For a figure:     \begin{illustration}[htbp] … \end{illustration} or \illustration[htbp] … \endillustration
% For a wrapfigure: \illustration* … \endillustration
%   As said here (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233031/latex-defining-a-custom-wrapfig-environment), we can't use \begin{illustration}* … \end{illustration}*
%   Wrapfigure does not accept empty arguments, ie. []{O}[]{0pt} (! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> \relax l.xxx \end{wrapfigure})
%   Wrapfigure needs a box or a graphic inside the environment, the caption is not enough
% For a background image, the trick is to place the caption in a figure environment:
%   \backgroundsetup{some options, contents={\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{Some graphic}}}\BgThispage
%   \begin{illustration} Caption here \end{illustration}


这是我遇到的问题。我用的是这个:是否在带有 titletoc 的图表列表中包含章节?,并\expandafter因此:使用 etoolbox \apptocmd 修补时出现错误:“修补命令似乎嵌套在其他命令的参数中”

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tweak the PARTS and CHAPTERS definitions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\usepackage[newparttoc]{titlesec} % newparttoc because I will use \titlecontent{part} -- I'm not sure of this

            {\centering\huge} % Before
            {\thispagestyle{empty}\partname\ \thepart}{20pt}{\Huge}
            [] % After

\expandafter\pretocmd{\@part}\expandafter{\gdef\parttitle{\ttl@savetitle}}{}{} % #1 does not work here so I use \ttl@savetitle
% \expandafter is mandatory here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/51929/error-when-patching-with-etoolbox-apptocmd-the-patching-command-seems-to-be-n --- This was my problem


\apptocmd{\@chapter}{ % before hyperref

\expandafter\apptocmd{\@part}\expandafter{ % before hyperref
  % Again, \expandafter is mandatory here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/51929/error-when-patching-with-etoolbox-apptocmd-the-patching-command-seems-to-be-n --- This was my problem
  \global\togglefalse{areWeInAChapter} % There is yet no chapter in this part

3. 将部分和章节写入 LOF

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Finally %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/52746/include-chapters-in-list-of-figures-with-titletoc

\AtBeginDocument{ % Is this line useful ?
    \iftoggle{areWeInAPart}{ % True
      \iftoggle{isThisPartTitleAlreadyAddedInTheLOF}{}{ % True : nothing to do %%% False : add the part title
        \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\contentsline {part} {\protect\numberline {\thispartnumber} {\thisparttitle}}{}{} }      
    }{} % False
    \iftoggle{areWeInAChapter}{ % True
      \iftoggle{isThisChapterTitleAlreadyAddedInTheLOF}{}{ % True : nothing to do %%% False : add the chapter title
        \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\contentsline {chapter} {\protect\numberline {\thischapternumber} {\thischaptertitle}}{}{} }
    }{} % False

4. 还测试了

% I also tested with the following — xcolor should be placed at the beginning (or almost).
%\usepackage{xcolor} % [dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names,hyperref,table,fixpdftex] % Only LyX, xcolor and dvipsnames work for me
%\definecolor{Bleu}{RGB}{0,0,127} % Pour les liens
%\definecolor{Violet}{RGB}{127,0,127} % Pour les liens
%\definecolor{Vert}{RGB}{0,127,0} % Pour les liens
%\definecolor{Rouge}{RGB}{127,0,0} % Pour les liens
%\usepackage{hyperref} % Loaded after titletoc and usually at the end
%  unicode, % Caractères unicode dans les bookmarks et le texte
%  %pdfencoding=unicode, % Pour les liens en unicode
%  psdextra, % additional math macros are supported in bookmarks
%  %pagebackref=section, % Idem avec la bibliographie (s'il y a un blanc entre chaque livre — Les liens pointent vers les sections) % Doesn't work for me
%  %backref, % liens retour de la bibliographie % Doesn't work for me
%  %implicit=false, % ne redéfinit pas de commandes LaTeX % Il est déjà défini à true au chargement du package !
%  breaklinks,
%  linktoc=all,
%  colorlinks=true,
%  citecolor=Vert, % citations de la bibliographie
%  linkcolor=Bleu, % internes
%  filecolor=Violet, % fichiers
%  urlcolor=Rouge % url
%\usepackage{caption} % loaded after hyperref

5. 测试及结果




\chapter{1 Introduction with no Figure}

\chapter{2 Test chapter with Figures} % Not added because there is no illustration
  \caption{caption text}
  \caption{caption text}

\chapter{3 Test chapter with no Figure}

\chapter{4 Another test chapter with WrapFigures} % Not added because there is no illustration
  \caption{caption text}
  \caption{caption text}

\part{Part with no Figure}

\chapter{5 Test chapter with no Figure}

\part{Part with illustrations but without chapter at the beginning\\Here the LOF looks good !}

Text. % Necessary to have the part added to the LOF ?!

% What ?! We are still in the previous test chapter with no figure, chapter 5 ?!

% Figure % Ouch ! This figure has moved before the part title ?!
  \caption{caption text}

\chapter{6 Test chapter with no illustration}

\chapter{7 Chapter with only WrapFigure as illustration that is added to the LOF}
% Not wrapped !!!
  \caption{caption text}
% Wrapped !!! I don't know why but we have to use these commands !
  \caption{caption text}

\chapter{8 Another test chapter with no illustration}

\chapter{9 Conclusion with illustrations}
% Figure
  \caption{caption text}
% WrapFigure
  \caption{caption text}
% Background image
\backgroundsetup{contents=Draft} % To set « draft » again !!!





6. 错误

啊啊啊啊!第 5 章的标题移到了下一部分标题下。而且该部分开头的图移到了部分标题之前。我在 stackexchange 上读到了一些相关内容……未完待续!
