我正在使用 dcolumn 包对表格进行单位对齐。dcolumn 字体应该更改为 helvetica 7pt。但我不知道如何更改字体和大小。
\caption{\textbf{\boldmath Memory effect and mechanical properties (E, elastic modulus, UTS, ultimate tensile strength, YS, yield stress) for various membranes in acid form}.\label{tab:1}}
\textbf{SPEEK} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{DXL\%}} & \textbf{\boldmath$\lambda$} & \textbf{\boldmath$\lambda$ (memory effect)} & \textbf{E/MPa} & \textbf{UTS/MPa} & \textbf{YS/MPa} & \textbf{Tg/} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{DMSO/wt\%\protect\textsuperscript{b}}} \\ \midrule
First treatment & 0 & 33 (25); $\infty$ (100) &~--~& 850\,$\pm$\,60 & 132\,$\pm$\,1 & 20\,$\pm$\,2 & 180 & 55.5 \\
180, 3\,h & 8 & 12 (25); 37 (100) & 37 (25) & 1160\,$\pm$\,50 & 4441\,$\pm$\,23 & 30\,$\pm$\,2 & 193 & 5.00 \\
180, 10\,h & 22 & 5 (25); 24 (100) & 24 (25) & 1300\,$\pm$\,100 & 43\,$\pm$\,802 & 35\,$\pm$\,5 & 239 & 21.5 \\
180, 24\,h & 35 & 3 (25); 16 (100) & 16 (25) & 1450\,$\pm$\,50 & 159\,$\pm$\,2 & 45\,$\pm$\,2 & $>$250 & 1.30 \\
\textbf{SPEEK GF} \\
180, 8\,h & 26 & 73 (110) & -- & 690\,$\pm$\,10 & 140\,$\pm$\,244 & 20\,$\pm$\,2 & \textsuperscript{a} & \textsuperscript{a} \\ \bottomrule
\end{tabular*}}{\par\textsuperscript{a}Not measured. \textsuperscript{b}Determined by thermogravimetric analysis.}
。使用当前数学字体,因此如果您使用 Helvetica 格式的数学数字设置包(真的吗?),这应该是自动的。
\caption{\textbf{\boldmath Memory effect and mechanical properties (E, elastic modulus, UTS, ultimate tensile strength, YS, yield stress) for various membranes in acid form}.\label{tab:1}}
\textbf{SPEEK} &
\hd{DXL\%} &
\hd{$\lambda$} &
\hd{$\lambda$\\(memory effect)} &
\hd{E/MPa} &
\hd{UTS/\\MPa} &
\hd{YS/\\MPa} &
\hd{Tg/} &
\hd{DMSO/\\wt\%\protect\textsuperscript{b}} \\
First treatment & 0 & 33 (25); $\infty$ (100) &~--~& 850-60 & 132-1 & 20-2 & 180 & 55.5 \\
180, 3\,h & 8 & 12 (25); 37 (100) & 37 (25) & 1160-50 & 4441-23 & 30-2 & 193 & 5.00 \\
180, 10\,h & 22 & 5 (25); 24 (100) & 24 (25) & 1300-100 & 43-802 & 35-5 & 239 & 21.5 \\
180, 24\,h & 35 & 3 (25); 16 (100) & 16 (25) & 1450-50 & 159-2 & 45-2 & $>$250 & 1.30 \\
\textbf{SPEEK GF} \\
180, 8\,h & 26 & 73 (110) & -- & 690-10 & 140-244 & 20-2 & \textsuperscript{a} & \textsuperscript{a} \\ \bottomrule
\end{tabular*}}{\par\textsuperscript{a}Not measured. \textsuperscript{b}Determined by thermogravimetric analysis.}