更改 fancytikzposter 中图形的位置

更改 fancytikzposter 中图形的位置

我从 fancytikzposter 下载了源代码,并尝试将图形插入其中。我在图形方面遇到了问题,我不知道为什么我的所有图形都向右移动。我尝试添加\centering\usepackage[export]{adjustbox}应用,\includegraphics[scale=0.4,inner,left]{programming}但也没有用。


\begin{tikzfigure}[Programming language definition]


\begin{tabular}{ c c c c c c }
 Rank & TIOBE index & RedMonk & GitHub & Combination & Salary (USD) \\ 
 1 & C & JavaScript  & JavaScript & Java &  93,991 \\  
 2 & Java & Java & Java & JavaScript & 93,142\\ 
 3 & Objective-C & PHP & Python & PHP & 92,387\\
 4 & C++ & Python & CSS & Python & 96,802\\
 5 & C\# & C\# & PHP & C++ & 94,359\\
 6 & PHP & C++ & Ruby & C  & 91,258\\
 7 & JavaScript & Ruby & C++ & C\# & 92,629\\
 8 & Python & CSS & C & Objective-C & 108,225 *\\
 9 & VisualBasic .NET & C & Shell & Ruby & 109,460 *\\
 10 & VisualBasic & Objective-C & C\# & N/A & N/A \\
\caption{Programming languages ranking in 2015. (*) The different source }




图表tikzposter 必须通过环境插入tikzfigure




\block{Some title}{%
\begin{tikzfigure}[Programming language definition]

\block{Some title}{%
\begin{tikzfigure}[Programming languages ranking in 2015. (*) The different source ]
\begin{tabular}{ c c c c c c }
 Rank & TIOBE index & RedMonk & GitHub & Combination & Salary (USD) \\
 1 & C & JavaScript  & JavaScript & Java &  93,991 \\
 2 & Java & Java & Java & JavaScript & 93,142\\
 3 & Objective-C & PHP & Python & PHP & 92,387\\
 4 & C++ & Python & CSS & Python & 96,802\\
 5 & C\# & C\# & PHP & C++ & 94,359\\
 6 & PHP & C++ & Ruby & C  & 91,258\\
 7 & JavaScript & Ruby & C++ & C\# & 92,629\\
 8 & Python & CSS & C & Objective-C & 108,225 *\\
 9 & VisualBasic .NET & C & Shell & Ruby & 109,460 *\\
 10 & VisualBasic & Objective-C & C\# & N/A & N/A \\



