

我正在尝试对齐表格中的文本,但不知何故第一个带有年份 (1848) 的单元格未对齐。我该如何修复此问题?另一个问题是:如何指定是否要在不同的列 {ccc} 中将文本右对齐、左对齐或居中对齐。我如何指定列宽的大小?{r(2cm)}r(2cm)

以下是我的 WE:

\usepackage[total={13cm,19.5cm},top=2.5cm,bottom=2.0cm,left=2.0cm,right=2.0cm, includefoot]{geometry} 
\usepackage{microtype}          % removes extra spacing between text
\pagenumbering{gobble}          % Remove page numbers in a section. The counting starts from Introduction
\usepackage{fancyhdr}           % fancy heading style in headers and footers
\usepackage{footnote}           % use with savenotes to show footnotes % footnotemark can be used when you have to use the same footnote twice (to avoid repetition)
\usepackage{graphicx}           % include graphs/ figures  in the file
\usepackage{setspace}           % to set the line spacing in the document
\usepackage{lscape}             % to write pages in landscape environment
\usepackage{threeparttable}     % to add footnotes to the tables
\usepackage{caption}    % to create some space between table caption and table, otherwise there was no space
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem}     % to underline the text
\usepackage{grffile}            % to avoid printing the figure name (or otherwise, give figure names without spaces)
\usepackage{float}              % figures as 6 (a), 6 (b) etc.
\setlength{\bibsep}{3.05pt}     % spacing between different references
\def\bibfont{\scriptsize}       % fontsize of the references

%---------------------Document starts here---------------%
\begin{document}            % the document starts here!

  \caption{Historical milestones in development of animal cell cultures (\cite{butler2004, verma2014})}
    \begin{tabular}{ccc}     \toprule
    \textbf{Timeline} & \textbf{Scientist} & \textbf{Achievements} \tabularnewline  
    1878  & Bernard & Physiological state of cells can be maintained after the death of an organism \tabularnewline      \rule{0cm}{0.30cm}
    1885  & Roux  & Maintained chick embryonic cells in warm salt solutions \tabularnewline      \rule{0cm}{0.30cm}
    1989  & Amgen Inc. & Recombinant erythropoietin produced in CHO cells \tabularnewline   




\usepackage[total={13cm,19.5cm},top=2.5cm,bottom=2.0cm,left=2.0cm,right=2.0cm, includefoot]{geometry}
\usepackage{microtype} % removes extra spacing between text
\pagenumbering{gobble} % Remove page numbers in a section. The counting starts from Introduction
%\usepackage{lscape} % to write pages in landscape environment
\usepackage{array, threeparttable} % to add footnotes to the tables
\usepackage{caption} % to create some space between table caption and table, otherwise there was no space

%---------------------Document starts here---------------%
\begin{document} % the document starts here!

  \caption{Historical milestones in development of animal cell cultures (\cite{butler2004, verma2014})}
    \textbf{Timeline} & \textbf{Scientist} & \textbf{Achievements} \tabularnewline
    1878 & Bernard & Physiological state of cells can be maintained after the death of an organism \tabularnewline
    1885 & Roux & Maintained chick embryonic cells in warm salt solutions \tabularnewline
    1989 & Amgen Inc. & Recombinant erythropoietin produced in CHO cells \tabularnewline





\begin{document}            % the document starts here!

  \caption{Historical milestones in development of animal cell cultures (\cite{butler2004, verma2014})}
    \begin{tabular}{ccc}     \toprule
    \textbf{Timeline} & \textbf{Scientist} & \textbf{Achievements} \tabularnewline  
    1878  & Bernard & Physiological state of cells can be maintained after the death of an organism \rule{0cm}{0.30cm}\tabularnewline
    1885  & Roux  & Maintained chick embryonic cells in warm salt solutions \rule{0cm}{0.30cm}\tabularnewline      
    1989  & Amgen Inc. & Recombinant erythropoietin produced in CHO cells\rule{0cm}{0.30cm} \tabularnewline   

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}不过,请考虑移除所有支柱并使用(您可以使用 1.5)来\begin{table}控制行距的可能性。





在任何 LaTeX 表中,您都可以在序言中设置列的对齐方式,例如{rll}。要指定宽度,您可以使用p{\width}代表\width带单位的测量长度(4cm)或 LaTeX 变量长度(0.5\linewidth)。



该类book设计用于将标题放在表格下方;否则间距会不合适。 并且\tabularnewline不需要在普通表格中使用,只有\\



\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{r l X}
Timeline & Scientist & Achievements\\
1878  & Bernard & Physiological state of cells can be maintained after the death of an organism\\
1885  & Roux  & Maintained chick embryonic cells in warm salt solutions\\
1989  & Amgen Inc. & Recombinant erythropoietin produced in CHO cells\\
\caption{Historical milestones in development of animal cell cultures}




您可以遵循以下详细的 bibtex 规范:14 种 BibTeX 条目类型

