绘制 Tikz 树,其中多线节点之间的级别距离是恒定的

绘制 Tikz 树,其中多线节点之间的级别距离是恒定的

我正在用 tikz 画一棵树,即使用 tikz-qtree-compat 来简化语法。树上可以有不同高度的节点,但分支会变得混乱。我想添加一条指令,其中母节点的南点和子节点的北点之间的距离是恒定的。



\usepackage{tikz-qtree-compat}  % draw trees with simple syntax


wanted but obtained non-general way:
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=-20pt, grow=down]
\tikzset{level distance = 25pt, sibling distance = 30pt}
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\tikzset{level 1/.style={level distance=38pt}}  
\tikzset{level 2/.style={level distance=60pt}}  
\tikzset{level 4/.style={level distance=60pt}}  
   [.\node at(0,-25pt){F\\F};

without any modification looks like:
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=-20pt, grow=down]
\tikzset{level distance = 25pt, sibling distance = 30pt}
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
%\tikzet{some single instruction that fix all trees in this way}







[A\\A, for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north, align=center, s sep=5mm}
  [C [E\\E\\E]]
  [D\\D\\D [F\\F [G]]]




这是Ignasi 的解决方案它试图说明将树转换为的过程forest以及如何以等效的方式将树与周围文本对齐。




  a forest solution:
    for tree={
      align=center,% will apply to every node in the tree, enables multiline nodes with centred alignment of text
      parent anchor=south,% required to emulate the behaviour of the target tree
      child anchor=north,% required to emulate the behaviour of the target tree
      s sep=30pt,% equivalent of setting sibling distance, I think
      l sep=10pt,% similar to setting level distance, I think
    [A\\A, anchor=center, baseline% you need to specify the baseline differently to align the tree in a particular way with the surrounding text


