







\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]

\node[fill=white,rounded corners,text width=16cm,text=black,align=right]
(teacher1) {Some text goes here};

\node[fill=white,rounded corners,text width=16cm,text=black,align=left,below=of teacher1] 
(teacher2) {And here goes the thought and its illustration by means of two plots:

     \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]

          \node (good) {
               \node (origingreen) {};
               \node[above=of origingreen] (topgreen) {};
               \node[right=of origingreen] (rightgreen) {};

               \draw [green, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5] plot (\x, {\x + sin(\x r)});
               \draw [->] (origingreen) -- (rightgreen) node [right] {\text{t}};
               \draw [->] (origingreen) -- (topgreen);
               %\caption{The good case; well, actually, this caption is really long in my paper}

          \node[right=of good] (bad) {
               \node (originred) {};
               \node[above=of originred] (topred) {};
               \node[right=of originred] (rightred) {};

               %\draw [red, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5] plot (\x, {(\x*\x*\x)* exp(-\x)});
               \draw [->] (originred) -- (rightred) node[right=1pt] {t};
               \draw [->] (originred) -- (topred);
               %\caption{The bad case; well, actually, this caption is really long in my paper}



\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node [fill=cyan,fit=(teacher1) (teacher2)] {};







\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]

\node[fill=white,rounded corners,text width=16cm,text=black,align=right]
  (teacher1)    {Some text goes here};

\node[fill=white,rounded corners,text width=16cm,text=black,align=left,
below=of teacher1] (teacher2) {A text up and above:


          \draw [->] (0,0) -- (5,0) node [right] {$t$};
          \draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,5);
          \draw [green, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5] plot (\x, {\x + sin(\x r)});   
          the caption
          \draw [->] (0,0) -- (5,0) node [right] {$t$};
          \draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,5);
          \draw [red, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5] plot (\x, {(\x*\x*\x)* exp(-\x)});       
           the caption \\
          the prolongation of the caption


\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node [fill=cyan,fit=(teacher1) (teacher2)] {};




这是不使用嵌套的建议tikzpicture。为了定位图,我使用简单地origingreen相对于节点定位。轴线已经相对于原点绘制,因此剩下的就是移动图,您可以通过添加到宏的选项中来实现。teacher2\coordinate (origingreen) at ([yshift=-5cm,xshift=0.5cm]teacher2.south west);shift=(origingreen)\draw

由于标准文章中的文本块窄于 16 厘米,因此我还擅自将图表的宽度设为不超过\textwidth

此处的标题只是作为节点添加的,文本位于原点下方。如果您需要实际编号的标题,请在节点文本中添加\usepackage{caption},并使用\captionof{figure}{caption text},而不仅仅是caption text。(请参阅下面的第二个示例。)






\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]

\node[fill=white,rounded corners,text width=0.95\textwidth,text=black,align=right]
(teacher1) {Some text goes here};

\node[text width=0.95\textwidth,align=left,below=of teacher1] 
(teacher2) {And here goes the thought and its illustration by means of two plots};

\coordinate (origingreen) at ([yshift=-5cm,xshift=0.5cm]teacher2.south west) {};
\node[above=of origingreen] (topgreen) {};
\node[right=of origingreen] (rightgreen) {};

\draw [green, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5,shift=(origingreen)] plot (\x, {\x + sin(\x r)}) ;
\draw [->] (origingreen) -- (rightgreen) node [right] {\text{t}};
\draw [->] (origingreen) -- (topgreen);

\node [text width=0.43\textwidth,below right=0.3cm and 0cm] (cap1) at (origingreen) {The good case; well, actually, this caption is really long in my paper};

\coordinate (originred) at ([xshift=0.45\textwidth]origingreen) {};
\node[above=of originred] (topred) {};
\node[right=of originred] (rightred) {};

\draw [red, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5,shift=(originred)] plot (\x, {\x*\x*\x)* exp(-\x)});
\draw [->] (originred) -- (rightred) node[right=1pt] {t};
\draw [->] (originred) -- (topred);

\node [text width=0.43\textwidth,below right=0.3cm and 0cm] (cap2) at (originred) {The bad case; well, actually, this caption is really long in my paper};

\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node [fill=cyan,fit=(teacher1) (teacher2)(cap1)] {};
\node [fill=white,rounded corners,inner sep=0pt,fit=(teacher2)(cap1)] (plots) {};








\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]

\node[fill=white,rounded corners,text width=0.95\textwidth,text=black,align=right]
(teacher1) {Some text goes here};

\node[text width=0.95\textwidth,align=left,below=of teacher1] 
(teacher2) {And here goes the thought and its illustration by means of two plots};

\coordinate (origingreen) at ([yshift=-5cm,xshift=0.5cm]teacher2.south west) {};
\node[above=of origingreen] (topgreen) {};
\node[right=of origingreen] (rightgreen) {};

\draw [green, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5,shift=(origingreen)] plot (\x, {\x + sin(\x r)}) ;
\draw [->] (origingreen) -- (rightgreen) node [right] {\text{t}};
\draw [->] (origingreen) -- (topgreen);

\node [text width=0.43\textwidth,below right=0.3cm and 0cm] (cap1) at (origingreen) {\captionof{figure}{The good case; well, actually, this caption is really long in my paper}};

\coordinate (originred) at ([xshift=0.45\textwidth]origingreen) {};
\node[above=of originred] (topred) {};
\node[right=of originred] (rightred) {};

\draw [red, thick, samples=50,domain=0:5,shift=(originred)] plot (\x, {\x*\x*\x)* exp(-\x)});
\draw [->] (originred) -- (rightred) node[right=1pt] {t};
\draw [->] (originred) -- (topred);

\node [text width=0.43\textwidth,below right=0.3cm and 0cm] (cap2) at (originred) {%
\captionof{figure}{The bad case; well, actually, this caption is really long in my paper}};

\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node [fill=cyan,fit=(teacher1) (teacher2)(cap1)] {};
\node [fill=white,rounded corners,inner sep=0pt,fit=(teacher2)(cap1)] (plots) {};

