使用 tikz 标记方程的变量而不使用 itemize - 后续问题

使用 tikz 标记方程的变量而不使用 itemize - 后续问题





            \usepackage{amsmath} % loaded automatically by beamer

            \newcommand{\tikzmark}[3][]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture,baseline] \node [anchor=base,#1](#2) {#3};}

            Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. 
                \mathcal{A} = (\,\tikzmark{identity}{\texttt{I}} -\tikzmark[red]{G}{\texttt{G}}\,\,\, 
                \tikzmark[blue]{L}{\texttt{L}} - \tikzmark[purple]{C}{\texttt{C }}\,)
            \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture,node distance =1.5cm]
                \node (identitydescr) [below left=of identity ]{words};
                \draw[,->,thick] (identitydescr) to [in=-90,out=90] (identity);
                \node[red] (Gdescr) [below =of G]{other words};
                \draw[red,->,thick] (Gdescr) to [in=-90,out=90] (G);
                \node[blue,xshift=1cm] (Ldescr) [above right =of L]{some words};
                \draw[blue,->,thick] (Ldescr) to [in=45,out=-90] (L.north);
                \node[purple] (Cdescr) [below right =of C]{more words};
                \draw[purple,->,thick] (Cdescr) to [in=-90,out=90] (C.south);
            Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. 



            \usepackage{amsmath} % loaded automatically by beamer

            \newcommand{\tikzmark}[3][]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture,baseline] \node [anchor=base,#1](#2) {#3};}

            Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it.

                \mathcal{A} = (\,\tikzmark{identity}{\texttt{I}} -\tikzmark[red]{G}{\texttt{G}}\,\,\,
                \tikzmark[blue]{L}{\texttt{L}} - \tikzmark[purple]{C}{\texttt{C }}\,)
            \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture,node distance =1.5cm]
                \node (identitydescr) [below left=of identity ]{words};
                \draw[,->,thick] (identitydescr) to [in=-90,out=90] (identity);
                \node[red] (Gdescr) [below =of G]{other words};
                \draw[red,->,thick] (Gdescr) to [in=-90,out=90] (G);
                \node[blue,xshift=1cm] (Ldescr) [above right =of L]{some words};
                \draw[blue,->,thick] (Ldescr) to [in=45,out=-90] (L.north);
                \node[purple] (Cdescr) [below right =of C]{more words};
                \draw[purple,->,thick] (Cdescr) to [in=-90,out=90] (C.south);

            Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it. Some random text. And more of it.

