

如何才能创建混合文本(和潜在的数学环境)的良好大小写区分,该混合文本是数字(例如,使用 i,ii,...)并且没有缩进,即所有文本都应在右侧对齐?

\documentclass[15pt, a4paper]{scrartcl}

    \item Case $\Phi < 0$: Fishing-out problem (most obvious inventions first), $\dot A_i$ decreases , with $A \uparrow$, difficulty of innovation increases with state of the art of an economy
    \item Case $\Phi  = 0$: no external effects
    \item Case $\Phi > 0$: positive external effects predominate - $\dot A_i$ increases with $A \uparrow$ - fundamental research with high spillover effects (differential calculus, electricity, semiconductors)

任何文本都不应在橙色线之前开始。橙色线应放置在与最长的 case-name 相关的位置。实现此目的的最短方法是什么?谢谢



\begin{tabular}{l p{15cm} }
$1.) \rho > 0$                  & time preference rate \\
$2.) d(j, \omega, t)$   & demanded quantity of goods of quality level $j$ of industry $\omega$ at time $t$ \\
$3.) \sum_{j=0}^\infty$ & all available quality levels $j$ of a consumer good $\omega$ can be consumed at the same time (\underline{in principle}) $\rightarrow$ however: only consumption of those goods with best quality adjusted price \\


现在,单元格之间的行距太小,数字 1.)、2.) ... 之间的水平间距也太小。希望您有另一个好主意 :)


版本 2(+嵌套级别)


  • newenumerate使用环境,
  • 缩进的文本块以冒号结尾。


% *latex mal-enumerate.tex


   % measuring a distance
   \def\newenumerate{\def\item{}}% elimination of inner env.
   \def\endnewenumerate{}% elimination of inner env.
   \def\item##1: {\setbox0=\hbox{\ ##1: }%
      }% redefinition of \item
   \endgroup % end of measuring a distance
   % an original enumerate
   \def\item##1: {\olditem \makebox[0pt][r]{##1: }}%      
   \oldenumerate[#1]% its begin
   \BODY % a set of \items...
   \endoldenumerate% its end

Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. 
    \item Case $\Phi < 0$: Fishing-out problem (most obvious inventions first), $\dot A_i$ decreases , with $A \uparrow$, difficulty of innovation increases with state of the art of an economy
    \item Case $\Phi  = 0$: no external effects
\item A: a no external effects no external effects no external effects no external effects no external effects
\item B: b
\item C: c
\item IA: a no external effects no external effects no external effects no external effects no external effects
\item IB: b
\item IC: c
    \item Case $\Phi > 0$: positive external effects predominate - $\dot A_i$ increases with $A \uparrow$ - fundamental research with high spillover effects (differential calculus, electricity, semiconductors)

\item A part: a
\item B part: some text to be displayed  some text to be displayed  some text to be displayed  some text to be displayed 
\item C block: c


示例 2

版本 1(旧版本;仅适用于第一级环境)


% *latex mal-enumerate.tex


   \def\item##1: {\setbox0=\hbox{\ ##1: }%
      \ifnum\maldimen<\wd0 \global\maldimen=\wd0 \fi%
   % an original enumerate
   \def\item##1: {\olditem {\makebox[0pt][r]{##1: }}}%     
   \oldenumerate[#1]% its begin
   \BODY % a set of \items...
   \endoldenumerate% its end

Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. Text before. 
    \item Case $\Phi < 0$: Fishing-out problem (most obvious inventions first), $\dot A_i$ decreases , with $A \uparrow$, difficulty of innovation increases with state of the art of an economy
    \item Case $\Phi  = 0$: no external effects
    \item Case $\Phi > 0$: positive external effects predominate - $\dot A_i$ increases with $A \uparrow$ - fundamental research with high spillover effects (differential calculus, electricity, semiconductors)

\item A a
\item B b
\item C c





\documentclass[15pt, a4paper]{scrartcl}
\settowidth{\mylen}{Case $\Phi < 0$}

\begin{enumerate}[label= \roman*),leftmargin=\mylenn,
    \item \mybox{Case $\Phi < 0$}: Fishing-out problem (most obvious inventions first), $\dot A_i$ decreases , with $A \uparrow$, difficulty of innovation increases with state of the art of an economy
    \item \mybox{Case $\Phi  = 0$}: no external effects
    \item \mybox{Case $\Phi > 0$}: positive external effects predominate - $\dot A_i$ increases with $A \uparrow$ - fundamental research with high spillover effects (differential calculus, electricity, semiconductors)



虽然列表是一种可行的方法,但在这种情况下,我个人的偏好是使用表格,再加上 的功能array.sty。只是一个建议——我不坚持——每个人都有自己的建议:





\begin{tabular}{@{\stepcounter{mystep}}>{\romannumeral\themystep.}r>{Case\ }l<{:}p{3in}}
&$\Phi<0$&Fishing out problem (most obvious inventions first), $\dot{A}_i$ decreases, with $A\uparrow$, difficulty of innovation increases with state of the art on an economy\\
&$\Phi=0$&No external effects\\
&$\Phi>0$& positive external effects predominate -- $\dot{A}_i$ increases with $A\uparrow$ -- fundamental research with high spillover effects (differential calculus, electricity, semiconductors)

&\rho>0&time preference rate\\
&d(j,\omega,t)&demanded quantity of goods of quality lever $j$ of industry $\omega$ at time $t$\\
&\sum_{j=0}^{\infty}&all available quality levels $j$ of a consumer good $\omega$ can be consumed at the same time (in principle) $\rightarrow$ however: only consumption of those goods with best quality adjusted price.




对于大小相同的情况,使用 flushleft ,其余部分则使用 LaTeX 完全对齐

\documentclass[15pt, a4paper]{scrartcl}
%Note: assuming all case descriptors are of the same size, then just wrap with \flushleft{}
%    \item \parbox{\widthof{Case $\Phi < 0$:xxxxx}}{Case $\Phi < 0$:} Fishing-out problem (most obvious inventions first), $\dot A_i$ decreases , with $A \uparrow$, difficulty of innovation increases with state of the art of an economy
    \item \flushleft{Case $\Phi < 0$:} Fishing-out problem (most obvious inventions first), $\dot A_i$ decreases , with $A \uparrow$, difficulty of innovation increases with state of the art of an economy
    \item \flushleft{Case $\Phi = 0$:} no external effects
    \item \flushleft{Case $\Phi > 0$:} positive external effects predominate - $\dot A_i$ increases with $A \uparrow$ - fundamental research with high spillover effects (differential calculus, electricity, semiconductors)
