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! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 1.




这是 MWE,虽然我没有添加图片。我保留了所有的前言,因为我现在想知道是否存在一些我没有看到的交互。

%%% Define the actual document parameters:

%%%  Include packages used throughout the dissertation:

% ToC
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\hfill\bfseries\Large Table of Contents\hfill}   


% make footnotes conform to font requirements
\renewcommand\footnotelayout{\normalsize}            % 12-point font for footnote text
\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\small\arabic{footnote}} % 10-point font for footnote numbers

% Renew commands to properly format Table of Contents:
    \protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftchapleader}{%-- switch it on here

\renewcommand\contentsname{\hfill \normalsize{TABLE OF CONTENTS} \hfill}
\renewcommand\listtablename{\hfill \normalsize{LIST OF TABLES} \hfill}
\renewcommand\listfigurename{\hfill \normalsize{LIST OF FIGURES} \hfill}


% Format List of Tables:
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }

% Format List of Figures:
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure }



% make math environments conform to font requirements
\DeclareMathSizes{12}{12}{10}{10} % <font size><math text size><math subscript size><math sub-subscript size>...in english:  for the 12-point font size (our current scheme), set the math text size to 12-point, the math subscript size to 10 point, and the math sub-subscript size to 10-point.

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%%%  Set the margins as required by the graduate school. 
%%%  Specifically, set the margins 1 inch top bottom and right, 
%%%  1.5 inch on left.  Now, Latex has margin origins at 1 in on the top 
%%%  and left so for 1.5 in the margin is set at 1.5 - 1 = .5 inch

%%% Changed to have 1in margins on left and right
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%%%  Begin the actual dissertation:


%%%  Last few formatting commands:
\setlength{\parindent}{2 em}


\chapter{Background and Application}

\section{Section 1}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis facilisis auctor eleifend. Duis tempus auctor ligula, quis auctor quam tempus a. Mauris lacinia iaculis massa. Aenean congue orci id libero dapibus, id eleifend lorem euismod. Etiam sed euismod magna. Donec a mi vitae nibh ullamcorper iaculis cursus id turpis. Pellentesque ultrices a justo nec finibus. Duis efficitur, felis sed scelerisque egestas, purus lorem efficitur lorem, at pulvinar enim massa vitae dui. Aliquam lacinia lectus ac orci elementum, non dictum magna vehicula.

Maecenas mattis nec nibh posuere pretium. Nullam euismod ipsum a mi pretium tincidunt. Sed vestibulum lacus id velit dignissim dictum. Fusce auctor sagittis tellus ut convallis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras quis massa eros. Proin feugiat erat nisi, vel gravida nisi sodales in. Etiam maximus aliquet ante ut ornare. Aliquam dignissim orci massa, eu pretium mauris consectetur varius. Duis ac aliquet erat. Vestibulum nec purus dignissim, malesuada felis eget, hendrerit neque. In mattis, lacus at pulvinar aliquam, nisi mauris rutrum tellus, ac faucibus nibh velit non massa. Etiam pharetra id ipsum nec posuere.

%% Whatever page this figure ends up on, the page number is on the top right instead of the bottom middle
    \subfigure[Subfig1] {
    \subfigure[Subfig2] {




Werner 的答案正确地格式化了页面,但前提是我注释掉参考书目。如果我将参考书目与他的答案中的代码一起保留,则会产生以下错误:

! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 1.
<inserted text> 
l.362 \bibliography{master.bib} %your bib file here


%%%  Bibliography:
\renewcommand\bibname{\center \normalsize{BIBLIOGRAPHY} }


\parskip=2\baselineskip \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
\bibliographystyle{plain}% your bst file here
\bibliography{master} %your bib file here


我会接受 Werner 的回答,因为这解决了有关页码布局的初始问题。参考书目的问题是我需要在调用它之前将页面样式改回来。特别是:

%%%  Bibliography:
\pagestyle{plain} %% This fixed the issue

\renewcommand\bibname{\center \normalsize{BIBLIOGRAPHY} }


\parskip=2\baselineskip \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
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\bibliography{master} %your bib file here


正如在文档floatpag包裹,您需要使用 指定与全页/仅页面浮动相关的页面样式\floatpagestyle{<pagestyle>}。您还没有这样做。





\fancyhf{}% Clear page header/footer
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% No header rule

\floatpagestyle{fancy}% Page style for float-page only


\chapter{A chapter} \lipsum[1]
\section{A section} \lipsum[2-3]



