

我正在使用 apa6 文档类准备我的论文。我正在使用 tocloft 包来格式化我的目录和图表列表。在目录中,我不知道如何在节标题下方添加空格,后面跟着一个子节(我的大学要求的格式)。我试图使空格与没有任何子节的节的空格相同。


% Preamble w/ Table of Contents formatting.
\renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\normalfont}  % Make Section Headers Not bold in TOC
\renewcommand{\cftsecpagefont}{\normalfont} % Make Section Numbers Not bold in TOC
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}   % W/out this command, it is not all capital letters.
\renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\hfill\normalfont} % Line 1/2 to center Heading
\renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\hfill}                       % Line 2/2 to center Heading
\renewcommand{\cftsecdotsep}{1}   % Line of Dots next to Section  {4.5 default}
\renewcommand{\cftsubsecdotsep}{1}  % Line of Dots next to Subsection
\renewcommand{\cftsecleader}{\normalfont\cftdotfill{\cftsecdotsep}} % Makes Dots for Sections not Bold in TOC

\setlength{\cftaftertoctitleskip}{36pt}  % Space after TOC Header
\setlength{\cftbeforesecskip}{10pt} % Space Between Sections
\setlength{\cftbeforesubsecskip}{-8pt} % Gets subsections close together

\renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection {section}{1}

\tocloftpagestyle{empty}  % No page numbers

\section{Section need added space below}
\subsection{Another Subsection}
\section{In TOC, this Section has correct spacing above \& below for required thesis format}
\section{Section need added space below}
\subsection{Another Subsection}


